Roger On v. 2 compared to Roger Select (microphones)

Does anyone have experience with the new version of Roger On, and especially how it compares to the Roger Select? The Roger Select microphone works well in many situations (using it first with Phonak Marvel 90s and now with Phonak Lumity Life 90s). I am considering investing in the 2023 Roger On as an additional assistive device. This is for several situations:

  1. for talking with someone in more active situations, like running or fitness classes, where neither the lanyard nor magnet clipon works well for the Select. The Roger on seems to have a clip and better shape for this.
  2. In situations where I want to amplify two different speakers at once to have a group conversation (like in a restaurant or other noisy situation). My audiologist confirmed with Phonak that I could combine the two devices so that both are amplified separately and transmitted together to my aids.
    In addition, I am interested in the other improvements of the new Roger On.
    I know these are costly but I can use all the help I can get!
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ON not better than Select in lanyard or clip-on mode. Not better in table mode either. But, ON does have advantage hand-held direct pointing. Both can be used together in group mode but it can get complicated using them together.

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This is NOT correct … it only works if the first one is a Roger table microphone

See Page 43 : User manual Phonak Roger On (English - 76 pages)

Why is it NOT correct?

On and Select CAN be linked together to work at the same time BUT NOT in Table Mode.

For Table Mode, each can only work on it’s own.

Phonaks way to make sure you buy the Table Mic!

Up until about a month ago, I had the Select and On plus Table Mic II. I have since sold my Select.


How do you pair two ON together or a ON and a Select. so that they both work at the SAME time ???

One will work in table mode and the other will only work in presenter mode. That is not very useful in most situations. You would have to pass one around to the person speaking.

You can use many Roger Mics together. Pretty sure the max is 10?

Pair one to your Aids, pair the same Roger Mic to another Mic with the connect button and HAs turned off at time of pairing / linking.

Means you can use any Roger Mic individually without having to repair to Aids each time as well.

Always been able to pair Roger Mics together since Roger came out in 2013.

Just can’t pair Education Mics with the other Roger ‘Work’ Mics. You can pair Education Mics together like the Roger Touchscreen together and pair the ‘Work’ Roger Mics together like the On or Select.

Obviously not the Roger Mics you’re talking about but it’s the exact same process.

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If I pair two roger on’s together, the both work only in Presenter mode … laying on the table or held pointing … the microphone is OFF … so if you were at dinner with ten people at a long table you would need 10 units.
As I said in my first post … " it only works if the first one is a Roger table microphone."

If i turn on one of the paired ON’s it will work in table or pointer mode … as soon as I turn on the second unit they both go into presenter mode.

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BTT please - and pardon some random text.

This is correct @GrayGhost
You can link the ‘non educational’ Roger mics together but you don’t have full functionality of each when they are in a network

Since I do not have a table mic … a couple of questions :slight_smile:

1, When a on or select is paired to a table mic… do they only function in presenter mode?
2. Does the table mic require roger licenses or is it like the TV connector … not needing them ?

It’s called a Roger Table Mic II so nothing like the TV Connector as part of the Roger System.

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  1. That is correct. When an ON or select is paired to a table mic they only work as a remote mic. If you lie them flat they will mute. If you unmute the select/ON with it lying flat then the table mic will mute. Mute the ON/Select and the table mic will work again.
    The idea is you use the table mic for the group and then the main presenter wears an ON/Select as they will be contributing most to the presentation/meeting

  2. With Roger transmitters it doesn’t matter if they hold a license themselves it’s the hearing aid that needs to have the license installed in it. It then means the hearing aids have an active Roger receiver to pick up the signal from a Roger transmitter. If you already have a Roger ON/Select iN and have installed the licenses from the ON into to hearing aids this makes the hearing aids Roger compatible. Therefore they will work with any Roger transmitter. If you wanted to buy more Roger transmitters if you buy iN versions you are paying for licenses you don’t need. That’s why there’s two options of transmitter so just buy the standard transmitter not the iN version.

(There are compatibility requirements with Educational transmitters, you can get 02 and 03 receivers/‘licenses’. You need the 02 type for educational devices such as a Roger touchscreen. The 03 type work with the Select/ON/table mic)

The TV connector works on a proprietary stream signal (similar to Roger in a way) but it doesn’t require a Roger receiver. All Marvel/Paradise and Lumity aids with wireless capabilities work with the TV connector.


Your first post states ‘first one’ is Roger Table Mode.

Any will work individually as Table Mode as long as all others are TURNED OFF. Doesn’t need to be ‘first one’ as any individual one will work, even if you have 10 paired to each other.

@mcclusk @ThomasP (myself)

I guess I’ve been stumbeling over the difference between your thread title (Roger On v. 2 compared to Roger Select) and the body of your post which seems to be predominantly about the simultaneous use of the two…



Is there a Roger Table Mic II (without Receivers) and also a Roger Table Mic II “in” , … or is there only one with Receiver/licenses ?

Can I ask what the ultimate setup would be to hear ten people round a rectangular table?

3 x Table Mics for me all the way!

Best Roger devices I’ve found. :slight_smile:


Here is a Roger configurator:

@GrayGhost yes you can buy a ‘table mic II’ or a ‘table mic II iN’
The iN will cost more as it comes with 2 ‘receiver codes’ or ‘licenses’ (people call them different things)
If you are already using Roger successfully don’t buy an ‘iN’ version