the Phonak roger on was connected with CI without problem, but I tried to link with the new Phonak hearing aid with roger on ( I clicked the link button several times), and I can’t connect it with CI anymore How can I restore the link? also I can’t connect with Phonak hearing aid, too. I tried many times with link buttom, but it didn’t work
You might try resetting the Roger On by holding the large button and the connect button together for 9 seconds.
If I reset it, will it forever disconnect the link from advanced bionics CI? The audiologist added 1 license to the Roger pen to be able to connect with computer
The pinhole is just used to transfer roger licenses to the hearing aids (or other device?). You reset by holding the connect button (bottom of Roger in the diagram and the large button on the other side at the same time for 10 seconds or until the Roger turns on again. I am not familiar with the bionics CI, my only experience is with a Phonak hearing aid. I just reset my Roger On as a test and it was still connected when it reset. The Roger On users guide suggests the Roger On can be reset if it is not performing correctly.
Do you have a Roger On or a Roger On iN? The Roger On will not connect to your new hearing Phonak(?) aid if a license has not been transfered to the hearing aid. I am confused when you say a license was transfered to the Roger Pen. Possibly, the license was was transfered to your old heading aid so you could use the Roger Pen. You can transfer the license from your old hearing aid to the Roger On providing it is a Roger On iN and then to your new hearing aid assuming it is a Phonak aid with Roger Direct installed. If you have a Roger On iN, there is an easy way to add additional licenses to the Roger which can be explained if needed so you can leave the license in the old hearing aid if it is being used as a backup.
I do not know how the interface with the CI works so hopefully some who knows will chime in.
Maybe this link can help you.
Good luck
If I understand the information from @Raudrive it looks like the CI required a Roger X license. If that is the case there should be one more license in the Roger On iN. Did the HAS transfer that license from your Roger to your new hearing aid?
@raylock1 the Roger X isn’t quite what you’re thinking. It is a physical device which holds what you’re thinking of inside it to enable devices that are not made with Roger Direct built in.
Yeah, I wasn’t very clear. I was thinking that since the CI needed a Roger X which would have been installed with an installer that they had not used the other license in the Roger so the Roger still had one license for the new aid.
Until the in versions of the Roger products started showing up, the way to get receivers into Roger direct systems was to buy the Roger X receivers and transfer the licenses out of them, like you were think of moving one in from an in Roger, but I think that would be clumsy. If one buys a X receiver, I’d think they should expect it has the license in it. It would be a bit of a foul to sell one without it without notice that it was empty.