I’m currently bimodal with an Advanced Bionics cochlear implant and an Oticon Xceed hearing aid. I will be getting a Roger On IN soon (backordered currently) and I don’t know if I can pair both my hearing aid and my implant to the Roger.
From my understanding, my cochlear implant would use one of the two licenses that come with the Roger On IN, but my hearing aid cannot use that. I know that for my hearing aid, I would need a Roger X to connect it to a roger device.
Is the Roger On IN compatible with devices using a universal Roger X?
I would think it would make sense not to buy the “in” version and buy the receivers separately. You should be able to have the license from one moved into your ci and put the other receiver into a shoe on your HA. Why pay for the second license in the “in” version you can’t use when you’re going to buy at least one receiver anyway?
I’m getting the “in” version because that’s what comes with my cochlear implant. (I used points from my order form to get it) and it’s only the “in” version. I did not actually buy the roger on in.
I’m also a ci candidate in my hearing aid ear, just not pursuing it yet. So it may be helpful in the future for when I get the other implant.
Be aware that as soon as you connect the audio shoe to the Xceed, Bluetooth will disconnect even if you’re not using the Roger.
That might be okay as you’ve got your CI.
Perfect, thanks! I have those exact things for my oticon so I think it’ll work. I was just concerned since I had the “in” version if that prevented anything but I guess not.
Bluetooth is not a concern for me as I much prefer my ci for bluetooth things, and probably won’t be using my hearing aid much at all other than with my roger to help me in school.