Roger ON IN V2 not streaming when in cradle

Ok. This is my STOOPID question for the day. I have my Roger ON IN V2 charging base plugged into a power outlet AND a JBL receiver’s output where I typically stream audio from. F’instance, if I plug that same cable in the JBL to my OLD TV Connector, I have excellent, effortless streaming.

Lately, I’m not able to stream direct-to-aids with the Roger V2 plugged into that same cable. TV Connector is turned OFF (just in case there’s confusion) and I’m just trying to stream TV with the V2 mic in its cradle. It used to work, sending audio directly into my aids and not like an ambient mic that’s pointed at a speaker.

Now, the only way I can use that V2 mic is to take it out of the cradle and put it in front of the TV to get audio streaming - but it doesn’t go direct-to-ear, it’s just an ambient noise mic. I’m puzzled. What’s wrong with the setup?

I have that V2 license for TWO pairs of Lumity Life aids; the aids are paired + connected to the V2. They work fine if the V2 mic is not in its cradle, but if it is, it simply picks up sound like it’s in “pointer” mode. No direct into the ear streaming like I get from the older TV Connector.

Any insights here would be greatly appreciated. I hope this isn’t too confusing. But in a nutshell, the audio from the V2 is no longer direct-to-ear like it is with my old TV Connector.

When in the cradle, make sure the Roger power switch is turned off.

Did you get a dock with each Roger – Swap docks? Does the roger light up to recognize the power when you put it in the dock?Just trying to isolate where the problem is. You’ve demonstrated the signal is good in the audio cable inbound. Is it the roger, the dock, or the power? :wink:


Thanks raylock1! Initially, the power was OFF, but then it didn’t stream anything - so you’ve resolved why it sounds like it’s in POINTER mode (or some such) when I have it in the cradle and the mic is turned ON. Yeah, that’s what I call my STOOPID part. I should’ve known that.

Great idea WhiteHat! I’ll swap out the cradles, cuz … I mean, could Phonak be that pathetic that a cradle is dedicated to a mic??? I ask, cuz it appears that the chargers for my 2 pairs of Lumity Life aids are completely interchangeable. I can plunk either pair in either charger and they’ll charge up fine.

If the mic still doesn’t stream when it’s turned OFF and seated in the cradle, I’ve got a hookup issue. Luckily the old TV Connector is a ROCK and streams just fine.

THANKS GUYS! I’ve got this. Now I wonder why Phonak doesn’t have a library of “User Tips and How-Tos” videos. I typically search at Youtube before posting here, and the Phonak videos are that hypnotic music set to 5 min of a silent mannequin doing stuff with no subtitle or spoken word. Great for hypnotizing, not so good for learning how to make these accessories work. :smirk:

I wasn’t thinking it would be dedicated to the mic, but that the dock may have become defective.


AH! Got it! Yep. Gonna have to troubleshoot all the parts here with my redundant rechargeables: the aids, the mic, the mic base, and the cable connection.

Thanks for the tip!

QUESTION: Would the myRoger app also indicate if the base isn’t working? I deleted that (lame) app, but maybe if I download it again, it will show BOTH Roger V2s as selectable…

No idea, but I kinda doubt it. Of course, I’ve been corrected left and right lately.


I think you have a faulty cradle or mic.
I don’t have to do anything, just switch on the tv , mic switch is off, "roger direct " shows up in the app to adjust volume and ambient balance.
Musical note icon shows on screen.

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LOL!!! You nailed it michael1 … except that the “faulty” part was moi.

I am chagrined to admit that many days ago, I unplugged my Roger base cuz we were having a big lightning storm in my area. Ever the Mother Hen, I raced around the house unplugging toaster, tea kettle, Roger base and things I cared about. Hubs ran around like a chicken with his head cut off unplugging all the hi-fi stuff and electronics he cares about.

Trouble is … I can’t go a day without my toaster or tea kettle, but the Roger base just sits on a credenza with its plug hard to get at. So I completely forgot that was also unplugged. Of course my initial reaction to seeing the device unplugged was like: “WE HAVE MARTIANS HERE!” when in fact it was my own feeble mind.

Once plugged in, and Roger mic in the cradle turned OFF, streaming was a bliss.

Thanks again to all with your suggestions cuz I was following the trail per these and … yeah, saw the problem. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I did ask if the Roger lights up when you place it in the dock to recognize power….


Yes - and my thanks to you, cuz that’s what got my feet shuffling down to the TV area and looking behind that credenza to see the Roger UN-plugged. Next time I unplug this for lightning, I’ll bring the plug up onto the credenza so I can see it.

I’ve had so many problems with all things Phonak that my first tendency is to blame the device. Sheesh. This one’s on me.

I’m really sorry for all the trouble you’ve had. Hopefully smooth sailing for a while.


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