Roger On iN Receivers

I have a Roger On iN, and Virto 312 P90s as well as Audeo Lumity Life L90s. I have the receivers installed on the Virtos, but want to also have them on the Lumity L90s. Is there a way to purchase additional receivers, or are you only able to have them for one set of HAs?

You can move the licenses from the Virtos to the Lumity if you want to, or you can get new licenses installed into the Lumity … just go to your aid provider and have them order a pair and install them.

If you are a DIY type person there are other ways to do it … just ask.

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I am a DIY guy. I’d like to use my Roger on both sets of HAs without having to spend more than the ungodly amount I have already. Can I PM you?

You then have to move them back and forth. It’s a bit of a hassle but if you have the patience once you get good at it it takes about 5 minutes each time. zebra has posted the directions - do a search here for installing and uninstalling the receivers.

You can purchase (fairly expensive) receiver licenses and either have an HCP install them or buy the device to do it. You can buy them less expensively on eBay. @kevels55 has advised that patience can save you money. Type 3 should work just fine with your Roger and be a bit cheaper than type 2. Hope this helps


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Thank you @WhiteHat … just to add some clarification, a Roger X Receiver serial numbers above 1744 is also mandatory, any serial numbers predating this, are older technology and will not work with Marvel aids onwards, ask for the serial numbers before you commit to buying… Roger X Type 2 (Educational) are more expensive, usually double the price when new…they work with everything, the standard Type 3 receivers only work with certain Roger devices… Roger X Type 2, cost new around £600 each here in the UK, I have 2 sets of Type 2, and 1 set of Type 3, it took me over a year for to round these up on eBay, cheapest was a 6 month old Type 2, at £56, a bargain price :grin: Most expensive was a Type 3, which I bought new, £375, I thought I could manage with 1 Roger X, you really need 2 for Roger to be effective… You would also require a Roger Installer or access to one from a friendly A.uD. Cheers Kev :wink:


Thank you for all the feedback on this. It is very helpful, and I finally have my brain wrapped around it. I am going to start with a dice roll on a Roger ON iN I found on eBay. Worse case scenario, it has no receivers loaded into it that I can use, and I buy the Roger X Receivers and the installer pad. Best case scenario, I get the Roger ON iN, and it has the receivers, and I just have to mark each Roger I have to differentiate between them.

To me, this is a racquet. They are forcing you to go to audiologist for receivers (really licenses), and pay exorbitant fees to use what you’ve already pay for. This forces those of us who have technical ability to find a “back door” to find reasonably priced alternatives.

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Indeed @Kado… The term, “ Modern Day Highwayman” wouldn’t go amiss with some hearing aid manufacturers, how some can look themselves in the mirror is beyond me… Extreme exploitation of disabled folk, they know the severe/profound threshold need these ALD’s to help to participate in the hearing world… They must cost under 10$ to manufacture each Roger X, and in most instances it’s only the license you need, you then have a very tiny, and absolutely useless paperweight!!! Apologies, rant over :upside_down_face:


In less than a day you go from not wanting to spend any more money to probably spending way more than necessary to solve your problem. Interesting approach to problem solving. "Best case scenarios " , while possible, are usually not the norm on Ebay. Keep us posted.

I think you lost the plot. I don’t want to spend money supporting the industry that is robbing us blind, but I am willing to support a third party that has something I need. I also enjoy tinkering with technology, and have been in the tech sector since the late 90s.

Do I have the money to go to an audiologist and pay the exorbitant rate they would charge to solve the problem? Sure. Do I want to part ways with that money? No. The extra ON is less convenient in some senses, but more convenient in others.

As for EBay, that’s how I got my first ON, and it’s been working perfectly with my Virto P90s. What it doesn’t do is connect to my Audeo L90s which is nothing short of extortion in my opinion. So, again, I go to EBay to attempt to solve the problem.

I am an outlier with regards to hearing issues. Most people can get by with a solution that allows them to hear the outside world better, and connects to their phone for calls. I, on the other hand, spend 8-10 hours a day on video or audio calls, stream content before and after the work day, and make personal calls at night. The L90 can’t keep up with that on a single charge, and the P90s are lackluster streamers missing most low and mid range. I need technology that keeps up with me. Throw in a moderate/severe asymmetrical hearing loss, and my choices start getting narrowed down quickly.

I use my current ON for streaming audio from my computer during video calls predominately. I also use it when my wife and I are in the car, out to dinner, or I am having a client lunch or event with a complex noise environment. I WANT to be able to use my ON with my L90s, because I prefer them outside of work. I’m already in around $8k.

Granted, I can afford this, but it doesn’t make it palatable. It makes me angry thinking that if I were to go the traditional route, how much am I going to spend? How many middle men are there in on the take? What if I couldn’t afford it? What about those who need it and can’t afford it? Do you see where I’m getting at?

The best (and worst) thing to happen to the hearing health world was the OTC hearing aid act. It took a large swath of revenue away from the “big six.” It is gradually bringing hearing health into the hands of most people. However, the worse your hearing is, the more beholden you are to yet another medical sector more interested in profit than having a positive impact on health. I get the investments they make into furthering technology, and I appreciate innovation. I just don’t want to be nickel and dimed to death around every corner. Hopefully, this allows you to understand my problem solving.


Why not just get the X receivers and skip the second Roger mic? The Rogers will connect to lots of sets of hearing aids if need be.


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There are a lot of reasons I’m going this direction. First of all, I paid $100. If it functions, and it has licenses, that’s a huge win. I can either use it separately, or I can put the licenses into one unit. If it just needs a new battery, that’s an easy fix as well. If it is completely DOA, it becomes a donor unit which I get to tear apart to learn about how it works. If it has no licenses, i go the X receiver route, or another route someone pointed out to me.

Call it a hobby if you will. If I can figure out how these things work, what their design flaws are, and how to repair them, I could fix them for fun, and flip them for a small margin giving others the opportunity to buy one they need at a price they can afford. It could be my way of sharing with the community in a way that makes hearing just a little more accessible to those who might otherwise not be able to afford it.