I’m having a lot of problems with my Rexton Smart Connect with Trax 42 hearing aids. I purchased this system in March 2016. I have replaced the Smart Connect twice. I’m still having the same problems.
When streaming bluetooth content, the music plays for 5-15 seconds normally in both ears. Then I hear music in the right ear associated with loss of communication, and the volume in both ears decreases dramatically. If I pause and restart the bluetooth streaming, the volume in both ears is normal for a short period of time (10-15 seconds usually), and then the same thing happens. If I go through this routine 5 or 10 times, the streaming finally becomes stable and music will play for 30 minutes or more.
The hearing aids also disconnect from the smart connect without bluetooth content being streamed. When this happens, I don’t hear the sounds associated with the phone – texts, emails, etc.
My hardware / software setup is
Iphone 7 – Ios 10.2
Smart connect firmware version 6.0.0
Hardware version 2
Smart Connect App software version
If anyone has faced similar problems and found a solution, I could sure use some help. My Costco rep is friendly, but so far has been unable to help.
They had to upgrade the aid firmware for me to get them working with the version 2 smart connect. I have to keep the phone in a front pocket to keep a good connection. Place it in a rear pant pocket and it will drop the connection randomly.
My Bluetooth has never worked properly on a consistent basis. I love it when it does work for phone use, but it randomly disconnects ALL OF THE TIME. I don’t really use it for music.
I have the same hardware and software levels you report. I am getting good performance but have only had the connect for a month. I do find that the bluetooth reception is odd. Frequently drops from my back pocket yet is great from the living room to the kitchen counter. If there is a line of sight it’s solid.
It is now July, 2019. I have been using my current Rexton hearing aids for over a year with no problems connecting to TV and IPOD using Bluetooth.
About 6 weeks ago I suddenly had SmartConnect on my Ipod. I did not like it and asked that it be removed so that I could revert to whatever I previously used. The Costco rep told me that was not possible.
Long and short, I was able to live with SmartConnect, BUT I have the same problem every time I log on - it tells me hearing aids are not connected. It requires changing batteries daily so that I do not get this - even then, there is a delay while the hearing aids are connected.
I do not want to change my batteries every 24 hours. I hate Smart Connenct. Is there a place to complain directly to Rexton or Costco?