I found a topic in here from 2018 that talked about the sound quality when streaming through the Connectclips.
I have OPN1 BTE hearing aids, and after a lot of messing around, an audioligist finally got them adjusted so they work much better than previously (about a year ago).
In addition to the adjustments, we tested some different domes (the rubber bits that go in the ears). They switched me from the 8mm open domes to 6mm power domes - it turns out the 8mm were too big and were causing discomfort when in and more discomfort when pulling them out. The 6mm closed domes appear to seal the canal but they’re more comfortable.
So, the hearing aids are working pretty well.
I rarely used the Connectclip because the sound was not very good, but I’m currently in a situation where I’m streaming audio a lot, mostly voice, from the computer. May be audio book, may be radio.
The sound is tinny, extremely “bright” poor quality, and there’s an audible “pop” or tick when people speak, as was discussed in the 2018 topic. Putting my fingers over my ears doesn’t improve it much, so I don’t think it’s the hearing aids. I’d prefer not to have to wear over-the-ear headphones, but the Connectclip borders on being painful to listen to, so I’m considering getting a set.
There was a section of the discussion that talked about adjusting the Connectclip. Is this something I can do or is this something the audiologist would need to do?
If I’m having the audiologist adjust the Connectclip, should I also have them create a separate program that will help improve the sound when streaming the Connectclip?
Last, it appears (again, from the previous discussion) that the microphone on the Connectclip can be adjusted. Mine is extremely loud, and though I very rarely use it, can I, or the audiologist if I can’t, adjust the volume on that?