Reverse cookie bite advice?

Good morning,
I’ve just found this forum. I have a reverse cookie bite hearing loss. I will attach my audiogram. I am a speech language pathologist, and a single mother of three (college and HS). I have had chronic ear infections my entire life and PE tubes throughout my entire life. I still have a set and I continue to get ear infections. However, even when my ears are “clear,” I have sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. My hearing loss is called a reverse cookie bite, and I find that it definitely interferes with my communication on a daily basis with my family, my coworkers, and in my job. I was fitted with hearing aids about four or five years ago and they are helpful in some ways and definitely not in other ways. They are resound hearing aids. I am at a loss and just so frustrated because I feel like my hearing declines more quickly now than it used to, and I’m worried about my ability to continue my work and support myself and family if I can’t do my job well. I am in regular communication with my ear nose and throat, doctor and audiologist. I still feel at a big loss and looking for help and support.

Welcome! I have reverse cookie bite hearing loss, and I can tell you that my experience with hearing aids has been frustrating. These are my current settings, the best so far. I use closed sleeves and NAL-2.