Resound SmartFit issue (SQLite)

Went to open SmartFit 2.0 today and I was unable to get to the point of selecting the “patients”. That part of the app refused to open. I also couldn’t simulate a device from the first screen as the button was grayed out. Rebooted. Checked a few things. No luck.

No problem I thought. A reinstall will sort it. I only had 1.18 installer available however so would upgrade from there.

Well. A weird message opened in the web browser and I did not have the inability to import or create any patient info.

Anyone seen this before?

Absolutely not, never has anyone seen this before, I don’t understand how this works, where did you get your SmartFit from, as I always tell people to be careful where they download from, you certainly do not need this for $2500 to use SmartFit in “standalone mode” so is SmartFit working for you now…

The installer is for 1.18 provided in this forum. I backed up a copy just in case to save downloading again.

I can only assume something else on my PC is causing a conflict which has a timed license.
That page is legit though. It is accessible through help.

I’ll try a VM this evening or reset the computer as there is not much else on there currently.

@tenkan are you able to PM me a link to v2 to save installing 1.18 and upgrading from that?

Yeah I think updating to 2.0 is the way forward.

I did have 2.0 but it stopped loading patient data which is stored in SQLite as far as I can see. Only on trying to reinstall with 1.18 was the issue more visible. Will reset the PC this evening and try.

Is that ReSound Smart Fit, but anyways nothing wrong with a reset as well.

It was yeah. It was working not long before so no idea. Technology eh!

Well it works after a reset. Only thing that doesn’t seem to work is importing my previously exported info :tired_face:

I exactly have the same issue, is there any chance to clear it with smart fit 2.0, Kindly share it with me since the smart fit 1.18 didn’t solve the problem after reinstalled it couple of times

Hi there, yeah sometimes just a fresh install will do it, 2.1 is the latest version.

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Is it possible to update from 2 to 2.1 or is it only via clean install? Sat on which says up to date.

Yeah you should be able to, but quite a few people are saying they couldn’t, but just do the fresh install it that makes things easier, you won’t loose any clients or settings by doing so.

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Thank you so much, 2.1 fresh install solve the issue without resetting my Laptop

Brilliant, now you can carry on with DIY projects.