Resound Smartfit 1.6 not reading my aids' settings, but it will see my aids

Since the app did install on my laptop then I guess that eliminated that. and as I explained, nothing can be done without creating a client and setting up an audiogram - the software prevents bypassing those steps.

like I have said a few times it sees the aids and reads the serial numbers from the aids but will not read and transfer the aids settings to the computer. The software didn’t want to recognize the aids at first try. I had to back up a screen and retry but it eventually did btu nothing I tried got past the refuse to read hearing aid settings data from the aids barrier. Clicking the “read settings” from aids button on the software goes to the next screen and the little “in progress” squares do their little dance and the two lights on top of thew wireless interface blink green but that’s it. I did a Battery change of course. I even tried different connect commands too. I also switched USB ports too. And smartfit updated the Wireless interface software too.
The only thing I haven’t tried is attempting to hand load the hearing aid settings into the software then trying to connect with the aids.

The creaky old laptop is a Dell 15" wide screen running Windows 7 Pro service pack 1Intel Core M5 processor at 2.60 and 4 MB Ram. Right in the middle of the requirements.

Aids pair well with my iPhone, so I know it’s not an aids BT issue

We are trying to help.
When you move forward and leave the programming session, does it ask to save anything?
I wish I knew more about your Smartfit program software. By the way, it’s not an app (application)

It does not ask to save. But it does save the patient set up data. That is no session created so no session saved. I tried another USB port but that didn’t work either. I’m going to try a total shut down restart and see if that fixes it. I assume it’s not the aids because my audi set them up on transferred the settings from my old aids on her office computer via teh same wireless interface I have. Somehow the HA settings data transfer handshake isn’t happening.

I am guessing this is the problem - The aids will communicate with the software to read the model and serial number, but will not to read and transfer the data. So there must be an issue with a data transfer command. Bi directional communication fail?

I do know that with Aventa 3.1 my original Enzo aids and Resound’s dongle type airlink, it all worked fine. When I loaded in Smartfit, the data from Aventa was transferred to the new program. So I still have the data and set up from my original Enzos in Smartfit. If shut down restart doesn’t work, then I am going to see if I can connect with my Enzo 1 aids through the new Resound wireless interface, in hopes I can figure out what is causing the problem.

I did a total shut down and restart, then tries again with the same results. Same blinking green lights on interface and nada. SO I dragged out my old Enzos to give it a try - Smartfit reverted to Aventa and then connected with my old aids. However, the Wireless interface did not blink during the process. I know that when my audi was programming my new aids, the interface would blink red when programming. To be clear though, I didn’t put the old Enzos in my ears to test them. I hit save without making changes and the SW gave me a “Saved” prompt. So back to Smartift and my new Enzos, with the same dead end. Exact same behavior. I I eliminated the interface as the problem. The iPhone app works fine with the new aids, so I think I can say the BT is working correctly. What could it be? I’m stumped.

I am too, I also tried with smartfit version 1.7 in demo mode, same thing you mentioned, I couldn’t go further without entering a audiogram!

I tried with Enzo2 and don’t have this issue when starting a new client, something with the Quattro model is different, you know I couldn’t even get to the import/export drop down menu either?

I don’t think that’s right, I think red is for disconnected from HA. Running the test mode blinks from red to green.

Ok I see you did the firmware update.

Have you tried without entering an Audiogram?

I don’t know much about SmartFit but let me pose a couple of questions;

Let’s say you DON’T want to use the hearing aid settings, how would you proceed? You would enter a client, enter the client’s audiogram, and then proceed with a fitting based on the audiogram you entered, right?

If you DO want to use the hearing aid settings how would you proceed? Maybe just create a client without entering an audiogram?

It’s real easy to test. Add a different client, “Joe Blow”. Don’t enter an audiogram. Proceed with a fitting hopefully based on the hearing aid settings.

The SW will not let me create a new client without entering an audiogram.

I thought about manually entering the HA settings (instead of autofit), then save, to create a session, then reopening the session but then reading the aids instead of loading in the session settings… but I didn’t understand why that would then make the interface read my settings. I guess at this point it’s worth a shot.

Another thought is Smartfit did an auto update of the interface’s firmware, supposedly to improve communication. I think I found revert button - maybe I can revert then see if that fixes the “improvement”.

@azureblue, I have the Resound Quattro 9, and am able to do what you want to do with Smartfit. Here’s the steps I’ve gone through - see where yours is different, maybe that will help point to the problem.

1. Add New Patient:

2. There is no need to enter your instrument information on this page. Ensure that you are seeing “Noahlink Wireless” in the drop down, and then click Connect.


3. You should end up seeing this. If you don’t, see next step

4. If instead you see this. I get this when my hearing aids are still connected to my iPhone via Bluetooth/mfi. Ensure that your HAs aren’t connected to anything via BT.

5. If that was your problem, you should now end up seeing the following.

6. Once you reboot your HAs, you should then see:

7. You should then get to the screen where you can read the instrument data



Almost! I used a previous client that had the patient data loaded in (the audogram) and I got the interface to see just the left instrument. At least this time When I got screen #7 the interface’s green lights blinked… How do I get it to see both aids’ settings? If I clicked continue, the software says it can read teh settings on teh left side but wants to “calibrate” the right side, which seems to mean that Smartfit is not reading that side.

Discovery! iPhone bluetooth must be off for Smartfit to read the aids. The phone is in constant “Search” mode. I think it grabs the BT connection before the interface can connect. But still after three tries I can’t get Smartfit to read the settings on both aids… (Starting from a client database that already has teh hearing aid model and audiogram loaded in, sicne starting from scratch gets blocked at the “no audiogram points” screen.


nope - only one aid recognized - see picture #2

The second picture has a selectable button to select session or aid.
Select the aid.
Delete the undetected aid audiogram in the session. Try again.

if I select left aid “Use instrument” the soft ware then goes into a generic fitting session for the right aid. I get a window with a blank audiogram for each aid and "both sides Right ear Left ear radio buttons on the middle of the screen and at the bottom of the screen —
“please inform the patient that the calibration tone may be loud.—”

I don’t want to risk losing the programming I have on my aids…

When you are on the screen for calibration, is there a button in the bottom right that will continue (without calibrating)? I remember seeing that myself when I went through the sequence earlier today - but can’t get back to the calibtration screen for some reason now.

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yes there is and clicking on thsi button did the trick! It read my aids and saved the settings. And I can program my aids. Knock on wood but It think once the aids’ settings were recognized and saved, the software communication became less balky… Much thanks to all

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This has been a good thread. I sure learned a few things about Smartfit and the phones Bluetooth interference was an interesting thing too.

Glad the right person finally got envolved, thanks.

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