Resound Smart Fit Profiles Question


I’m a newb still, but have just recently went all in on trying the self fitting. Per tenkan and others, I’ve protected my initial fit so I can revert back to it if I botch something.

I have done that, and reverted back to my original setting several times trying to learn what all the adjustments do. However, it did lead to one question on the flow of re-installation.

Here’s where I’m at. Hearing aids paired with the Resound software, open my original file by choosing the original profile, select use session (there is only 1 session in this profile).

Somewhere along the way, I encounter the calibration (Feedback calibration?). I bypass this and move to the next step. Question is, do I need to do this step to reinstall the settings from the original REM fittling, or are they already included in the settings as saved?

Thanks for any insights on this matter.

I answered this somewhere here recently but not sure if I was answering you!

Feedback calibration is just a test to check that there isn’t any feedback at the current settings. You can see on the gain curves page where feedback is getting a bit likely.

Basically you are encouraged to run it every time you start a session, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t. You can run it at any time anyway, if you run into feedback, just by tapping the Calibrate button.

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Yes, you answered me in the thread Resound Smart Fit 2.0 Noise Tracker II. I do appreciate the engagement. I may have the formula wrong to garner engagement, I sometimes ask 2 or 3 questions at once. Maybe I should pare it down to one question at a time!

Just ask the questions in one thread, rather than several different ones.

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My questions evolve over time as I gain more info. I’ll try to ask it in a different manner if I get zero engagement on the original question.

I also found that if I ask multiple questions that it minimized the responses.

Once I read a summary that the fastest way to get the truth online is post a falsehood in the form of knowledge. Everyone who actually knows will correct you, and you can quickly get concensus!

Yes that’s all very fine, but if you start new threads for new questions, then no-one knows the background. For example, I will happily reply to multiple questions in the same thread and if you need to ask again perhaps I didn’t explain well the first time.

But if you ask in multiple threads then I will just ignore them, now we have had this discussion I will remember your username, so the choice is yours.

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I see your point. And agree. I’m still learning not only hearing aids, but this forum stuff. Thanks for the tips. I’ll try to improve.

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Resound smartfit software now require login.
Anyone encounter this.

I haven’t seen this. Which version are you using? The current one is SmartFit 2.0 update 3, but I haven’t tried that yet. Also you are installing in standalone mode?

As David says, I believe it is important to install it as stand alone. I just updated mine and it doesn’t require login.

I am using SmartFit version This is the latest version as far as I know.
It does not require a login when I use it.

Yes that is the latest version on the download site. They call it update 3.

I just updated to that version, connected my hearing aids and saved that session. No login required!