Resound Smart Fit download

Hi, I would like to try adjusting my own hearing aids, but cannot find the latest version of Resound’s smart fit software. I found 1.14, which won’t work for my Omnia ha’s. Does anyone have the latest version (I believe 1.16 or 1.17)? I tried updating the software, but it just says that version 1.14 is up to date and doesn’t give me an option to update to a newer version. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
(Note: I realise there are big implications of adjusting your own hearing aids; I have been looking around this forum and other places to learn about the process, and feel comfortable doing it.)

Hi there, sure no problem, great your giving DIY a go, don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

I’m also looking for the resound smart fit software, can someone please send me a link?

thanks :slight_smile:

Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, but do read the user guides and of course you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.