Resound One: Right hearing aid at half volume

I have Resound One 9 aids and my right aid volume is suddenly about half what it should be. Left aid volume is fine.
What is really odd is that when i tap on my right aid, i hear the tap in my left aid. Has anyone experienced this before? Its almost like my right aid is partially beaming into my left aid. Any thoughts?

Check wax guard. Be sure it is clean.


The hearing aids do send sound to each other. It’s how the beam forming works for example, so what you describe is normal.

But I agree with @Jerry_NJ . This is most likely wax partially blocking the output from the receiver on that side.

Thanks for the replies. but my wax guard is clean. This isnt normal beam forming. I have had these aids over 2 years and know that one has never beamed to the other aid while reducing the volume in one aid. Using my TV streamer, the reduced volume in my right aid is so low that if I take my left aid out, I cant even hear anything from the streamer. Even when I use the app, the beeps it gives off at volume change is odd. Left aid beeps normal while the beeps on the right aid can barely be heard.
Im thinking either my receiver is bad or one of my mics went bad. the unequalness is very irritating and not like any aids I have worn (been wearing aids for 10 years). Now I am back to asking everyone to repeat themselves. Very frustrating. Cant get an appointment for a week,

It can’t be the mics. If the beeps and the streaming is lowered as well.
My guess is on the receivers. I’m not familiar with the resound, but can you try to swap the receivers? You will see if the problems moves with the receivers.


Yes. It appears to be a bad receiver.
I should add that i have SmartFit and nothing appears to have changed. I had a power receiver at one time but lost it. I think my cat ran off with it. I might just buy one on ebay as i still have the mold to fit. Anyone know if SmartFit has a self diagnostic setting that can be run?
I also notice that when i clean the wax guard on that aid, the insides seems be always be a little wet between the receiver and the mold so maybe moisture has taken its toll.

Resound don’t let you just swap the receivers because they are electronically identitied to be left or right and you just get an error if you plug the wrong one in.

Might be worth buying a new receiver of the side that is low output and try that. It should be quicker than a week, depending where you order it from.

And I’m sure you know this, but depending on your setup you can have two wax filters. One large one on the mold and a very small one on the end of the receiver itself. If you use domes rather than molds then there is only the filter at the end of the receiver, which you can get at if you remove the mold.


Thanks, I didn’t know that.

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I recently had the same problem with my Widex Moment RIC HAs where the right receiver had lower volume than the left receiver.
I checked this by streaming mono sound into my HAs and then to confirm it, I took the HAs out while still streaming, held each receiver close to the ear canal of my ear with the best hearing, and this confirmed the right receiver had a lower sound level than the right.
By using the same ear for listening to both left and right, I eliminated the possibility that my physical hearing in the right ear had deteriorated.
I then took the HAs to my audiologist and asked for a new receiver. They checked and agreed the receiver was faulty.

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