Resound One/Omnia Customs

Having been a long time user of hearing aids and had CIC through to RIC, I opted to go for the Resound Customs at the start of the year as an upgrade from my Linx aids. Having 3 streamers in the house is my main reason, plus long streaming life (as it’s connected to my office PC all day) along with sweatproofing etc.

I’m now on my 7th pair - yes you read that right!! Countless issues with the builds and technical/acoustic issues along the way. Started with the smaller ones, they weren’t bad but had an annoying “springy” noise in one ear which went if DFS was turned off. Tried next size up, better fit but same issues along with issues charging. Cue a few more fits, battery charging issues, strange popping noises, streamer disconnections et al.

6th pair not too bad, these are the new Omnia chips, but the fitting on one ear wasn’t good and the charger box supplied was DOA. Went back to my 5th pair in the interim as audi hadn’t sent them away. These then developed random lack of charging and strange issues with battery status incorrectly reported.

Yesterday, 7th pair arrived. Full REM test done and audi changed the fitting algorithm too to boost speech/clarity. So far so good. DFS is on (unlike all the previous ones which I had to reprogram and turn off) with no issues. Yes the clarity/treble is a little powerful, but I’m liking the better speech recognition, but thinking SoundShaper might be doing too much making things like jangling keys, spoon in a cup etc noises sounding odd.

Here’s the killer. Yet again the fit on one hearing aid protrudes more from my ear by around 3mm. In addition to this it feels less secure than the other and I “know” I’m wearing it if that makes sense. Just doesn’t feel right. However in 24 hours almost, I can sense that we are onto a winner in terms of the function of these aids. These ones were meant to be using the same impressions taken for my 3/4/5th pairs of aids, so why the end result is the same as the 6th (previous) pair I do not know.

I think my audi is sick to the back teeth of me now (I know I would be). Trouble is I don’t want to get a new set made and go back a step. What would you guys do? Initially on fitting yesterday I mentioned it, but I ruled the function and working aspects over the cosmetic side. But now it feels different, my outer each aches a little and I’m questioning if I can live with it. Seriously Resound need to take a long hard look at their performance and CS overall as we’ve not experienced a good time with this order.

I would try others, but streamers and long streaming life is what has kept me here.

How much would 3 streamers from another brand cost you?

Long streaming life is relative to other brands’ rechargeables, I assume. Will you consider disposable batteries? If so, what size battery is used in a custom aid like yours?

I’ve come from 4 pairs of BTE RIC / CIC systems using various sized batteries from Oticon, Starkey and Resound, but each time liquid ingress from sweat and rain is always a problem. This is one single great thing from these, not a single issue since ownership on that front.

Yes I looked at others including Phonak and Signia, but many will only allow a pair of aids to connect to a single streamer and this isn’t any good to me sadly. Plus I checked the estimated battery life on streaming with say a Signia custom - they say 6 hours. Totally different to Resounds claimed (and very close) all day streaming of like 16 hrs+.

Hence why I’m between a rock and a hard place with these. On one hand they’re great and I’m used to the processing algorithms of Resound, but then their lack of CS and acknowledgement with issues seems to be getting to many end users and audiologists too. Hopefully it gets better as they used to be on their game.

If my audi gets another aid made for just the left side, can that be linked to my existing right side or will they need to make a new set completely? I just don’t want to risk going backwards!!

There is no problem replacing just one aid. The audi can link it in SmartFit in no time.

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That’s good to know David. Thanks!