Resound One Hands Free phone calls

I’ve had my Resound One’s for a few months. My problem is if I’m mobile people are telling me it’s hard to understand me with the road noise. Is there anything that can be done to help that? I’m using a Iphone 11

I’m trying to find out if I can shut it off … ever since I had the update at my audi a couple months ago 50% of the time I have to switch over to speaker phone during the call because they cant hear me… I asked audi about it and he was going to call Resound?? Is anyone else having a problem… I have a new version I phone 6 SE 2 years old

Think this might help Altho Oticon as both Resound and Oticon got an update for handsfree calls.

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I talked to a tech person at resound about the issue of people not being able to hear me during phone conversations on my Iphone… he told me to delete the app and then clear website data/cache on safari… then re-install the app… I did this and have received about 10 calls and I made about 5 and have had no problem so far … you can use google if you need info on clearing website data