Resound One 7 whith problems

Resound One 7.

I am the owner of Resound One 7 hearing aids and have been having problems with them for almost 2 years. The devices are still under warranty… After the first two revisions, so as not to become nagging with my audiologist, I purchased a Noahlink to set my devices myself. The problem was not with the settings, as I had hoped. Each time the devices were replaced with new ones (3 times). After 3-4 months they broke down again. The defects are always the same, that is, the devices break, at certain louder noises, one of the devices disconnects (becomes mute), then recovers. One device influences the other. This phenomenon happens in all listening environments. I don’t know what to do with them. I would like to return them but I don’t know if I can get the money back, or if they can replace them with another model. I mention that I work as a radiotherapy assistant and I work in an environment with electromagnetic radiation (particle-photon accelerator). If I replace them with other models will I have the same symptoms? Has anyone else experienced this? The defect does not appear immediately until after about 2-3 months. Do electromagnetic fields, a certain distance or place have any influence? I also tested other devices but during a short trial period (2 weeks) and the above symptom did not occur. I suspect that if I stay longer in this radiation environment it could affect the proper functioning. What can I do, advice please! Thank you in advance!

That is likely the effect of the noise focusing cutting in. The All Around mode is rather like that I found too. But if you either select a different directionality setting in SmartFit or to try just select the Outdoor or Music programs which are omni-directional, you may find your problem is solved.

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Thank you for the advice. I will try the recommended settings in Smartfit. If there are other tips, they are welcome.

Have you got Outdoors set up as a programme for your aids? If so just try that instead of All Around. SmartFit recommended settings won’t help you at all.

I feel it is the noise suppression getting confused. My Resound One 9 aids do that occasionally when there’s a loud odd noise. The aids seem confused if this is a sound to be blocked or heard, and toggle back and forth until it setttles back to normal. Just mho

Oh gee. I can buy Noahlink and try to set up my aids myself–after all, what could go wrong, since I can’t even master all of the icons on my Iphone?–OR, I can find a provider/audiologist that has set up many hundreds of HA over the years and has access to the specialists at my brand of HA as reference. Hmmmm?..I know myself. I hate tech related stuff and have no competence or interest in it. ThIs is a no-brainer for me: I’ve found a competent audi to set up my aids along with my input.

I know a highly competent physicist who works at Lawrence Livermore. He’s sure that he can easily handle Iphones and computer settings and a dozen other tech things. He can’t. He messes up. Tech doesn’t follow physics, in terms of how it works. It follows programs that are idiomatic to each device. Maddening.

Sure, if you like to spend months learning a variety of tech languages so that you can “speak” a device, have at it! I have other things to do.

Jeff could you please stop being so negative about things, I believe your more than capable of programming your own HAs, if you can join a forum and post a comment…and use a PC + plus never used any Microsoft software? that’s more complicated than the software for your HAs, gee anyone would think it’s some kinda medical procedure or something, so glad your happy to pay many thousands of dollars to get something I can do for less than a couple of hundred bucks, I’m so happy that DIY is available to the masses so they too can become “expert’s” in their journey for better hearing, cheers

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I wasn’t suggesting that the OP do his own fitting. The programs are set up by the audiologist by selecting from those available and then the user can select the one they want to use with the remote control or the smartphone app or the smartphone’s native app or by pressing the button/rocker on one aid or the other. It’s easy to do and is reset to where it was if you restart the aids by opening the battery doors or popping them briefly in the charger as appropriate.

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Tenkan, can you stop being so negative?: (kidding!). We both have a tendency to make our points through sarcasm–which is a legitimate form of rhetoric! And more direct and quick than long polite elaborate explanations.
The thing is, I read a lot of comments by folks who’ve begun their self programming journey and run into difficulties. Tenkan,.recently you yourself mentioned a many months learning curve for you to begin to be able to program your aids.
Look: I’m a classic starving poet/musician. I don’t have money to burn. But I know my limits. Some folks are happy to spend hours tinkering with their computers. I hate that. I can’t fix my car engine either. I pay to have it done. Sorry to be so negative.

Yes. I may have misunderstood the OP. Although s/he writes, “I purchased the Noahlink to set my devices myself”. and then an odd set of troubles began.

Ha no worries Jeff, this is one of the things I like, no big deal about who’s situation is working out or not, sarcasm is sometimes a good thing here, I’ll lighten up a bit, no more Xmas ham for a while.

I will too, if I can!

the truth is, you’ve been doing a great service for people here, guiding them through self programming. For many, this is the best option. I may have been discouraging folks from taking this route towards optimum hearing. I don’t want to do that! You youngsters are comfortable with tech and work well with it. Go for it! I can easily see how a self programmed aid might work best for those with the patience and ability to learn this skill.

I’ll be writing another poem while y’all are programming…

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