Resound Omnia technology levels

I have been trialing the Resound Omnia Customs, with technology level 4. I will be trialing the next level up, 5. Just wondering if anyone has any experience between these levels, and whether I’ll be getting much benefit for the extra money spent? The biggest issue I had with the level 4 is wind noise, but not sure if that will improve?

I have a separate OUTDOOR mode that i have to go into the app to change to, but it really does help. Ask your aud.
Sorry, cant help on levels, but i have top level

This gives a comparision:;filename=402142000GB-22.10-Rev.A-P4-WEB.pdf&response-content-type=application/pdf&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cCo6Ly9jZG4xLW9yaWdpbmFscy53ZWJkYW1kYi5jb20vMTM1MTJfMTM5MjE4NjAyP2NhY2hlPTE2NjkwMzM0MzgmcmVzcG9uc2UtY29udGVudC1kaXNwb3NpdGlvbj1pbmxpbmU7ZmlsZW5hbWU9NDAyMTQyMDAwR0ItMjIuMTAtUmV2LkEtUDQtV0VCLnBkZiZyZXNwb25zZS1jb250ZW50LXR5cGU9YXBwbGljYXRpb24vcGRmIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoyMTQ3NDE0NDAwfX19XX0_&Signature=C9paIzne5gSF9ucbM~H8o~8go8Wg8WfBWZnjYs-5sZ8uwxwwCj4o5~DM29JYQzkW0LBZzaIGkOFyrFMbX~PjvKbxOVYahL~TQHDZKbdM5WOd12TPSoOBn52uzwczkHkc~yIbaFDeHZ9yxsflwATtlxzVuJImW2TepIgmUvX2fU3wNyWOHt8yOkzQsx5FJ~hfFoUfZbo1gq9gpwwJM37WmXGx6dtku-~eRm7zrJuxiedMqcJ5biZ7woE29SHBB3VTm0X8OlFL7VwtV1e8i6PDj4BznMYr5qzd~Y1Y1ZA5s2qz6hm~ARuYVSYbjATvpvrRnK2Q5Yim-EJFZlEOM2xuOA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI2ASI2IOLRFF2RHA

Note: in general when seeking info about specific hearing aids, search for the manufactuer’s “Pro” website. My take is that there would be no difference in wind noise between 4 and 5 (they both have on/off settings) The 7 has 2 settings and the top level 9 has 3 settings. Probably the simplest way to solve the wind noise issue is to put a light covering over your ears.

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Dr. Cliff, AUD, in his YouTube videos, repeatedly advises users to go with the highest technology level they can reasonably afford. If you buy through a reputable online service like, you can get several thousand dollars off the price a full-service audi might charge. TruHearing comes with one year of fitting service, but after that, you’d have to pay a la carte for fitting adjustments. My own audi has handled all warranty issues I had on my previous aids at no charge to me (she says ReSound reimburses her for warranty issues). One of the reasons I got my Omnias is I could use disposable batteries. That alleviated post-warranty period worries about how a rechargeable version would last into the future. I went for the size 13s.

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Like my Pop’s used to say, “buy the best, and you only cry once”… :wink:

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Dr Cliff on YouTube has a video about testing the different tech levels.

Just reporting back in case it’s a help to anyone in future: I tested level 5 and level 9 (the highest), and ended up going with level 9. The simple fact is it handles different noise situtations much better, so I don’t need to switch for example between outdoor and indoor modes, because it handles wind noise etc. way better in the standard mode. Definitely worth shelling out a little more upfront to get the most out of your HA’s.

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Absolutely, but here’s the thing, they shouldn’t be offering anything but the premium version anyway, Costco is the only place that knows what it’s doing in this regard, it’s just pointless offering anything but for your/ones hearing.

Agreed. It’s like many industries: they are selling an experience as well. giving choice gives the false elusion that the buyer is in charge, and that they are getting something special.