ReSound Omnia and microphone issue

You just use your finger nail, clips on and off.

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No tool needed. Here is a vid on changing…


Must have changed from the Quattros. IIRC, the Quattros require a special tool to release the receiver and wire from the HA body.

i just use sim ejector tool to remove the receiver on quatttro


It has changed. But even for the Quattros, you can easily use something that has a small enough point.

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I called Costco and described the issue. They immediately agreed I should have them replaced by resound/jabra. Since my Costco is over an hour away I sent them via ups, and they will ship back to me when the new ones come in.

Will report back here when I get them


Any update? My jabra 10 with m&rie set for all around still has the ha body mics active.

Hi @Boon I’m thinking resound may have changed this in a firmware update. My replacement aids did the same thing. Make sure your all Around program is set for M&RIE directionality mode (vs All Access Directionality) in smartfit via your audiologist, or you if you diy.

Mine is, and I still see that the mics on the body are on. @jim_lewis , now that you have the resound ones, can you confirm when using the mrie setting in smartfit, whether only the M&RIE mic is on?

Currently I can’t find a difference between M&RIE directionality and all access directionality.

I think you are correct. After a firmware update last year m&rie with the all around program still has the ha body mics active, I have two all around programs, one each way.

They are not the same:

The m&rie I think favors the m&rie and has less hiss or high end harshness. The m&rie also stays on even with high noise. It is similar to the outdoor program.

The other allaround program I think favors the ha body mics and all 6 are on until high noise causes the m@ries to shut off. I find this setting a little harsher, but not by a lot.

The point of m&rie shutting off is to avoid feed back.

I have the ReSound Omnia 962s, powered by size 13 replaceable batteries, with M&RIE receivers.

I have them set in 360-All-Around directionality in the All-Around program. By rubbing my thumb against my fingernails to get a “sshhhing” sound, I would judge that at low noise levels, only the M&RIE mics are on. The sshhhing sound is loud right by my ear canals but barely audible if I do it behind my ear lobes where the HA body mics are.

The 360-All-Around setting is closer to true 360-degree hearing than the All-Around setting for the ReSound Ones (the All-Around choice is no longer available in Smart Fit for the Omnias). ReSound says for the Omnias that they improved the degree of “All-Aroundness” - something about a head shadow reducing all-around listening a bit before, IIRC.

From what I’ve read, what’s supposed to happen with the 360-All-Around settings in low-noise environments, only the M&RIE mics are active. As more and more noise comes into play, the sound pickup is switched more and more to the mics behind the ears, and the M&RIE mics are turned more and more off. One HA body will concentrate more on speech, and the other will try to provide you with background noise and sound clues for environmental awareness. The mic that has better speech, IIRC, will relay its speech to the other ear, so both ears have input of the best possible speech. I’ve forgotten if the HA body with poorer speech input will reciprocally relay processed sound to the other ear to provide some environmental awareness to that ear, too. As things get really noisy, the M&RIE mics are off, and the body mics switch to Front Focus, ~the same as if you were in the Front Focus program itself. The difference is that attack/relaxation constants for compression in the 360-All-Around Front Focus mode stay at “syllabic” (rapid on/off), whereas in the pure Front Focus mode, the time constants are set to SLOW, the slowest possible values, same as if you were in the MUSIC program. ReSound says somewhere that in noisy situations, a slow compression constant is helpful in understanding speech in lots of noise, IIRC. Perhaps it’s too complicated in the 360-All-Around program to switch attack/relaxation values on the fly as noise levels go up and down?

The default settings for the All-Around program, I believe, used by my audi.

Boon, thanks…. I’ll do some more comparison between the two myself as well. I hadn’t used the other all around much so will experiment with that.

Jim, thanks for the good info. All of that makes sense from what you’ve described. And it sounds like their new 360 setting is doing a lot more than on the One.

Have you found that localization is much better than on your Quattros? If I remember you did not have the Ones. I suffer from very poor localization due to my sshl where my right ear is very poor and do see some improvement from the original jabra. But not as much as I would like. I think it was better before that firmware update that turned back on all the mics.

For the Quattros, I never paid much attention to localization. With the Omnias, it might be a placebo effect from ReSound’s advertising, etc. I am much more aware of sounds being pretty well localized, especially if I’m looking in the direction the sound is coming from. When I’m washing dishes, running water, and clanking (just a bit!) dishes and silverware, my brain tells me it “sees” where the sound is coming from. I’d say the localization effect works best for sounds that are close by, or, if at a distance, very loud sounds like the shrill cry of a bird. I am close to the amplification limits at which M&RIE receivers can work without generating a bunch of feedback. If my molds move around during the day and I come close to a wall or door jamb, I can hear a bit of a buzz sometimes, and that’s a clue that I need to firm up at least one of my mold positions. I think an advantage of the M&RIE mics is that they’ll be less likely to clog with scalp debris than the body mics on the back of the HA’s. So far, I’m glad I opted for the M&RIE receivers.

As Ureout has pointed out (ReSound Omnias with M&RIE Receivers - #37 by Ureout), there may or may not be little white filters on one’s M&RIE mics. It would be nice to find a cheap source of these filters in the U.S., as well as a source for the special tool required to replace the filters. My audi was not very helpful when I suggested finding out more about the subject.

I saw your comments about your mold - I use a mold in my Right ear, and have the same type of problems you described. I push the M&RIE somewhat to the limit on that side as well. For me, I will end up starting to get feedback at some point, end up doing a calibrate DFS in Smartfit, and that lasts me for a few weeks. I suspect I am having changes in my ear canal that allows sound out. fyi, I use the smallest of those adjust a fit plugs in the mold. (I forget their actual name).

Mine has the little / tiny white filters. I live about an hour and a half away from my Costco, so they are very good at mailing me items when needed. Or when I do go in, they load me up with some supplies. I’ve got a little package of about 10 of the filters. They come attached to that ‘special tool’ that you mentioned - similar to how the regular filters on their tool. The tool looks slightly different from the one in the video.

I figured out the ‘white’ was a filter when I felt something hard in my ear, got it out with my finger and discovered the tiny filter! That’s when Costco sent me 10 of them!! I’m now careful to check when I take the HAs off at night that they still have the filters in them :wink:

Edit to add: I’ll take a picture of the small filter/tool tomorrow and add here.

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just curious … did they charge you for the filters and are they to be changed periodically?

Thanks for a VERY helpful post. :+1: I will check if Costco will SELL me the filters. I got my Quattros through TruHearing via an audi, but I found Costco offered a much bigger discount on the Multi Mic and the TV Streamer 2 than my audi could offer. Costco had to special order those devices for me (and even for folks who bought HA’s at Costco).

A very useful thing to know would be how often Costco recommends the filters be changed. Perhaps a retail chain hearing center would be another source of ReSound M&RIE filters at a cheaper price than a lone HCP is going to be able to get them from ReSound?

They did not charge me.

Jim, here’s a picture of what Costco sent me. It’s 8 to a package, not 10 as I originally remembered. There is a part number on the bag. I did a google search on the part number and the words - came up with a few places that are selling. But most if not all look like in Europe.

The Audi at Costco didn’t give me a recommended timing to replace. I’ve replaced them just once since I’ve had the HAs almost two years now. But did get a replacement of the HAs at one point.

Here’s the pics:

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You have a great Costco! I’m always begging for M&RIE filters. I’ve found that become invisibly blocked occasionally but respond the a stiff brushing.


My resiound omnia microphone is dead, i had to send it in for repair, there was a screech when rubbing the microphone…