ReSound Nexia software

Hello, any help locating software to program ReSound Nexia would be appreciated. Thank you

Hi there, sure it’s available, you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Msg sent… regards. (Need more characters)

In case it’s useful information for anyone, for Resound Nexia you need SmartFit 1.17 or higher (but at the moment 1.17 is the latest release).


Would it be possible to get the software for the Resound hearing aids.

Thank you

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, but you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Thank you for the help. I ordered one today for the devices. First thing is to get all my devices to match in programming.

Greatly appreciated for your help.

The Oticon Software super easy to work and understand. The Resound is kicking my butt. When I install it the only thing I get is client information. Nothing else. I am scrolling through the website because either I missed something or my brain is gone.

When you start SmartFit then the first you get the view of the SmartFit Patient Database.
Create a new client profile then klick on Audiogramm to enter the Audiogramm data.
Then klick Save button below.

Start fitting by klicking “Fit Patient” or klick on “Back” on top left to go back and double klick on patient entry to start fitting.

After you startet the Fitting you get a new window for SmartFit !
Check the Windows “Task Bar” and hover over the SmartFit Symbol.

This is the view of the second SmartFit window when you start the first fit.

Here you can select the hearing aid models, and select the programming interface.