Resound Nexia and Oticon More “Comfort” program

After my disappointing trial of Oticon Intents my audi suggested I try Resound Nexia because its beam forming program might help my issues with ambient speech in a crowded `room. The first time I tried them in a crowded, echoey room I knew they were not going to work for me. Same problem as before: speech from the sides and back were so loud that I couldn’t hear the target speaker. Oh well. I guess I’ll wait for the new Phonaks.

Seemingly almost as an afterthought, my audi added a “comfort” program to my Oticon Mores. The comfort program made a real difference in reducing ambient speech from the back and sides. Maybe he’s onto something here.

Does anyone, maybe @Volusiano know anything about this comfort program? What does it do? I’ve always been under the impression that “comfort” was at the other end of the spectrum from “comprehension” so I never tried it before. Is it possible to combine the features of a comfort program with beam forming?

Also I seem to be reaching the top of the volume range on the Mores. I have about 8 notches of volume reduction from the default (which I never use), but only 3 notches of volume increase. I’ve been thinking of asking my audi to set my default volume a notch louder. Should I maybe consider asking for a higher-powered receiver? Thanks for any help or suggestions.

It just has lower volume/gain on the comfort program.

That can be programmed in the software, I believe.

Just gone on to the software and my volume is limited as I am at maximum gain.

It can be adjusted but if it has been adjusted already, it’ll be down to how much gain you have now.

I only have P1 on my Oticon Xceed.

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