Greetings, my question deals with the ReSound Omnia 9 aids I have worn for two years.
Daily, I make an adjustment to the All-Around program. During my last visit, I was assigned a different audiologist, my previous audiologist had left the company. I asked the new audi several questions,
Does her software gather history on which programs I’m using and the daily adjustments I have to make.
If yes, could she view this adjustment and make it the default.
Her response was no history is available, “I’m not able to see what programs or changes you make”, and yes, she can make adjustments but not necessarily the exact magnitude I was making.
From recollection, my previous aids, Oticon
recorded a whole bunch of data, and the audi could use that information to make precise corrections.
Is ReSound’s software that much different?
Below is the adjustment I must make to help hear better.
You can view this as the data log, all software has it,I’m pretty sure it’s a default value, that screenshot shows your in need of some advice and support from a more experienced Audiologist or better, just DIY and fix your simple issue straight away.
To @tenkan ‘s point, most hearing aid companies’ programming softwares do have datalogging features. However, some document more (or different) metrics than others. For example, Oticon currently shows datalogging for in-app EQ changes, while Resound does not, at least not for Omnias. It really depends on the manufacturer what shows up in datalogging.
For Resound SmartFit and Omnia devices, the metrics that populate for datalogging are program usage, volume control adjustments, average time of use per day, and things like that.
What SmartFit doesn’t have, is some sort of user override feature where you click something and then the user’s app changes are applied to gain values in-software. Some manufacturers do allow for saving certain changes in their app, though.
If we wanted to apply user changes to global programming, the most accurate way of doing this would be real ear measurement with the app open and the changes made. If you save that measurement you can then approximate that curve through programming in-software in the all-around program.