Resound hearing aid compatibility with Phonak Roger touchscreen mic

I would like to know if anyone has tried using Phonak Roger Touchscreen Mic with Resound hearing aids. Appreciate your inputs.

It is possible only if you will insert Roger X receiver into your MultiMic. No direct link between Phonak and Resound of course.

Touchscreen only works with type 02 Roger X receiver.

Type 03 won’t work.

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Thank you. The phonak website says the roger touchscreen mic is compatible with all hearing aids. So if i understand it correctly it works thru multimic like roger touchscreenmic > roger x receiver → resound hearing aids. Is this correct? Thank you for the help.

Some hearing aids allow audio shoes and Roger X receivers to be attached to the HAs but that means buying 2 x Roger X.

I don’t know much about Resound HAs.