Resound Future - static noise while driving

It is due to high power receiver and some problem with the aid design. My audi worked with Resound Engineers and seems they are aware of the problem. Mean while I have tried the Bernafon Verite and I liked it so much that I am returning the Resound and go with Bernafon.

Picked up this thread and although no recent comment I would like to add my observations. I too get static in both hearing aids but only when I drive my 20 year old car. This car is in good condition but has far poorer sound attenuation that modern cars. The static appears when the road surface is particularly course (rough, larger metal chip size) which generates more road noise. In fact the static noise seems to coincide with areas of uneveness in the road. I have also noticed this static when hearing a particularly loud song on the car radio. I was thinking that in the car, with road noise, wind noise, the radio on, the hearing aid is getting overloaded?? If this is possible… When I mentioned this to the audi she did not know what it might be or what to do.

Has anyone an update on the solution? There was some mention of lowering compression… Note that my aids are not a high power aid.

This is a great forum which picks up issues that, alone we write off as just another shortcoming of hearing aids, but when you hear of others with the same issue you realise there may be a solution out there. Thanks to all for their input.:slight_smile:

40-65 dB loss from 3 kHz to 8 kHz