Resound enya issue

Hi everyone,

I have a pair of Enya 2 hearing aids. I’ve got a person interested to buy them, However, when inserting batteries, they sometimes beep twice, as in beep beep - beep beep - beep beep, sometimes once, as in beep-beep-beep. I canceled the sale, just to be on the safe side, but the aids seem to work fine ( I can’t wear them longer as they are not fitted to my own loss, but can insert them and hear amplification). Can anyone explain this odd behaviour, is it safe to use them or not?

It’s just the start up chimes, it’s normal.

I know the start up tones are normal and expected thing, but why would they go differently?

I believe the start up tones double up if the wireless functions are disabled. It’s a long time since I had Resound aids that did this, but the way it works is that the first startup is single bongs and then if you restart it a second time soon after the first, it’s the same, but if you restart it a third time, then you will hear double bongs and the wireless functions are switched off.

Restarting them yet again, you should be back to single bongs and the wireless back on again.

So it’s not a fault! It’s a feature. But Resound didn’t explain it widely and I recall that the audiologist who supplied and fitted them for me didn’t know anything about this.

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Sorry, but I disagree. One of them goes with single beeps, another one with double beeps. I can’t see any feature in that. Also, I am quite sure that Enay 2 does not support wireless streaming. Besides, no
Even if it does, why would one aid go with single and another one with double beeps?
Now they started beeping once, as they should :slight_smile: So, what is it about?

Where did the hearing aids come from? You have no way of knowing whether these hearing aids are functioning properly without access to a test box.

The Enya 2 does support 2.4 GHz wireless streaming, but also it uses wireless to allow the two aids to work together to beamform and also so you use a remote control or the smartphone app. Below is the first page of the Enya 2 specification.

But if one is always giving you double bongs on startup then I do wonder whether you have a fault there, or maybe a setting has become corrupted. Really they need to both be connected to the fitting software so as to check what is going on.

Furthermore the feature I described is mentioned in the handbook for the Enya 2. They describe it as a Flight Mode feature. However Resound don’t mention the double bongs here.

Just to say that I found an article posted in Hearing Tracker in 2017 that confirmed the double bongs indicate you are now in Flight Mode.

Also I recall that the reason I got to know about this was because one of my early Resound LINX hearing aids developed some corrosion in one battery compartment and the aid often restarted itself, meaning that occasionally I got double bongs. That was all resolved when I cleaned up the battery compartment.

So maybe the reason you have this on one aid is because it needs a clean in that battery compartment, so that you don’t get multiple restarts from one attempt to turn it on by shutting the battery compartment.

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