[REQ] Oticon Genie 2 2024.1

Hi anyone know where I can find the latest updated Oticon Genie 2 2024.1? There are new features in this updated Application. Thanks in Advance.

Do have Genie2 already, because you can just use the genie updater to get the latest.

earlier firenzel sent me a link, 1.5GB for 2024.1, looks like it is the full package.

noahlink 2 arriving soon.

thank you for your prompt response.

Sure no problem, anything else just ask, plenty of us to help you along if needed.

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Hi all, I am looking for a copy of Genie 2 so I can adjust my Oticon Real 1’s myself. Audiologist wasn’t brilliant with the programming and would like to fine tune and add other settings as well. I have ordered a Noahlink which should be with me soon. Apologies if I have asked for this in the wrong way, I am new to the forum. Thanks :relaxed:

Welcome to the forum,great your giving DIY a go it’s all pretty easy enough, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

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Hi, I am new to DIY programming, can I get the download
to Oticon Genie 2, 2024.1… thank you…

Hi can some one send me the link too as I would like to change my hearing aids myself


Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, please be sure to research and read the user guides before starting your DIY projects, and don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device.

Dear @tenkan,

can you please send me a link to the Genie 2 software.

Thank you