Hi everyone, just looking to see if someone knows if we can send our own Hearing Aids in for repairs My phone at Marvel 70 or at a warranty and it’s varying in price of what they charge to send back to app. I didn’t know if anyone knew if you could send them in the phone act directly probably not just thought I would ask thank you for your assistance, Shanie.
I’m unclear if you’re talking about your phone or your hearing aids. To send hearing aids back to Phonak for repair will require going through somebody who sells Phonaks. (Either an audiologist or hearing aid specialist) There are companies that repair hearing aids that you can send to directly (Lloyd’s Hearing Aids is an example) Edit: Ah, I think my misunderstanding was due to auto transcription. I think “phone at” and “phone act” were attempts at “Phonak!” Nothing to do with phones!
Can you describe what the aids are doing?
Maybe it’s an easy fix that we can help you with.
I second Lloyd’s Hearing Aids. They have me with earmolds and tubing, very nice people.
Hmmm… maybe contacting Marvel 70 customer service directly for info about sending your hearing aids in for repair or under warranty will help. They’ll be able to provide you with the information you need about the shipping procedure and the ability to dispatch devices over the phone.
In the UK you could use an online service, who can send them (Phonak hearing aids) to Phonak for repair, someone on this forum mentioned some company who can do that for less than £150 if I am correct, not sure who it was.