I have spent my budget on new phonak hearing aids. I am in need of a remote mic ie like Rodger mic for group meetings. Unfortunately I have spent my budgeted funds buying the hearing aids. Does anyone know if Costco may have a compatible option? Was thinking about eBay as well. Any advice is appreciated
Unfortunately they don’t, eBay is your best bet, just be careful and do your research before you buy any Rodger products,you need to be sure about how you will install any licences if any are needed.
I can recommend this eBay member
You can also use the search button from right here on hearingtracker to find most of the information for your Phonak HAs.
I thought Costco had the remote mic. If they do, it sure might help you.
You mentioned Phonak aids, if you didn’t buy your aids at Costco it might be difficult to get the remote mic there.
Not remote mic. I meant the PartnerMic.
I thought that works with a compilot only,or is that direct Bluetooth streaming to the Paradise,Or do you mean the partnerMic?
Yes, I brain farted. My Cochlear mic is called the Remote Mic.
PartnerMic is correct.
Thanks for the correction.
The PartnerMic is direct stream to both Marvel and Paradise aids. This includes the KS9 and KS10 aids too.
Yes, PartnerMic works with KS9 and 10 as well as Phonak Marvel and Paradise. However it really only works for one on one conversations. Should be worn around speaker’s neck or clipped to shirt/blouse. Surprisingly, Costco prices are on the high side at ~$300. Easy to find online for about $200 new or even less on EBay for used. Works great for one on ones; is not going to cut it for group conversations. If looking at used Roger Select, buy with extreme care as it needs to be iN model and you need to make sure it includes both receiver “licenses.”
The Roger On which is said to be available June 15th is a lapel and table mic. I haven’t seen a price yet. Hopefully it is lots lower than the Select.
Good luck on that! I’m guessing it will be even higher than Select, but merely a guess.
For some reason I thought it would be less $$. Not sure where I picked up that idea.
If you are talking about remote mikes communicating by bluetooth, any remote mike that supports bluetooth should work (depending on your aid’s support of older versions) but quality may vary. So you could try buying one if you can return it.
Right now I’m thinking of a table mic to go with the Paradises I’m getting soon. As far as I know there’s no 3rd party table mics. Thankfully our senior center and the small group I meet with to practice ASL are able to meet now. We’re not good enough yet to communicate just in ASL.
Hopefully the Roger On will work well and not cost as much as the Select. Also needed for get-togethers at our apartment residence. We’re starting those up again too. I had just been staying away back when we could meet over a year ago. And totally dropped out of church small groups.
I did try out a 3rd party remote mic with my Signia 5PXs a while back, which I had to return because it wouldn’t work with them.
Just to make sure you understand that for a Roger remote mic to work with Paradise, you’ll need receiver “licenses” installed in the hearing aids. You can get these “licenses” either by buying a Roger iN device or by buying a couple of Roger X receivers (with the proper serial number) Once your hearing aids have licenses, you can use with multiple Roger devices (they don’t have to be iN)
Sorry if this is old news, but many people are unaware.
And receiver “licenses” hike the price even higher… Sure wish there were some 3rd party table mics.
Roger stuff is expensive but it works. There are hundreds of different Bluetooth mics that will work - some better than others, but they all have latency issues that can be a problem for group meetings. There is a Phonak BT remote mic that you can usually find for under $100 that is pretty good - but not as good as the Roger stuff.
There are dealers in the UK who can offer new, name brands, for much less than hear in the USA. But, you still need to
Have them programmed for you.
Some audiologists will program your aids on a needs basis for you without the big mark up for devices. But, you need to search for these folks and be prepared for looks of amazement when you ask about this. Robert
I have use the Rexton " Smart mic" from Costco ,love it ! I think it is $ 250 00 ? ,you buy it seperate from HA. I think its kinda same price in eBay . Good Luck !
It’s a nice device for Rexton aids but will not work with Phonak Paradise.
Ohhh ok … mine are KS8