REM at Costco gone wrong on Philips 9030

While I’m currently wearing my Widex SmartRIC, I do have a Philips 9030 I wanted to get set up as backup using my latest audiogram. I’m using the openbass domes with the Philips. I’ve attached the REM results which the fitter admitted looked very strange. Even at 80% these setting feed back and I never had any issue with feedback with these domes and my audiogram has not changed by more than 5 dB at just a couple of frequencies. And they were having some REM machine issues. Seems like maybe the tiny tube they use was plugged or maybe pushed into some ear wax. And the HA at 80% are way way too loud. So today I did an insitu correction. These are just backup so I’ll keep the insitu setting which don’t feedback and are comfortable. Oh w First pic is the Costco REM from yesterday and the 2nd one is my insitu today. We used the fit4speech not NAL2 rationale too, much like my Widex rationale I think. Any thoughts on what might have gone wrong with the REM? Thanks

Yeah, they stuffed that.

Possibly failed to calibrate the probe tube or even consider what that amount of gain would do in your case.

I’m not saying ‘this is why you don’t let numpties use REM as a silver bullet without consideration of the consequences’ but it kind of is.

It’s like in school where they used to suggest you should always estimate your maths formula alongside your use of the calculator.

I took most of my math before calculators, lol. Yeah their REM was not talking to the computer and they had to get someone out to hook it up again. I will drop by and let them know they really have an issue. My insitu works great since it’s just my backup HA to the Widex. Yeah you see that 100% it would have had so much feedback too. Even at 80% it did, lol. No feedback now.