Recreating a customized program from Widex Moment

I user rhe Widex Moment hearing aids. On the Widex app, I’m able to create custom programs and Ave them . I have one that is nearly perfect for daily use,

My audiologist (whom I love and is w incredibly helpful) says can’t see what those settings are to re-create and/or tweak….which is frustrating. Does anyone know if it’s possible to get the settings from the app and if so, how to do it?

To give some background, the Widex Moment app has a function where users can create a custom program using A to B comparisons. That is, the app listens to the sound of the environment that the user is in and then devises two sets (A and B) of HA settings for the user to trial out. The user will select either A or B as giving better hearing.
Based on the user’s selection, the app will then devise another two sets of HA settings for the user to trial out and select which set works better for them.
This procedure repeats itself until the user indicates they are happy with their selection. The user can then save this selection of settings as a custom program.

Widex label this functionality as “hearing aid AI”. I don’t think the smarts are in the HA ; my guess is that the app sends back a sample of the sound environment over the Internet to a central computer at Widex HQ, the computer compares this to previous samples + then sets back a set of A and B settings to the app (I will do a trial with my iPhone not connected to the Internet to see what happens)

Super interesting explanation — thank you!! I live that it’s Hearing Aid AI! Makes me feel trendy.

I just wish my audiologist could see see the different settings that work best for me and use it to make my normal hearing aid setting, But I’m thankful for the customized setting and all is good,