Receiver Wire (Jabra EP 20)

Mine seems too long. It bows out a bit. I seem to recall the tech telling me it was the shortest one available. Apparently these are not individually adjustable by the tech?
I read that a (size) number can be visible on the wire, but I don’t see one (when magnified).

I believe there are 3 receiver wire lengths. I have the same aids and had them replace one woth a longer one. I had Hansaton aids before my Resound One’s and these aids and the Hansaton’s had a double curve formed in the wire so it stayed close to my skin. The wires on Resound/Jabra’s just run straight from aid to ear. No bend to stay close to skin.

If you pull off the dome you will see a number like 2 M. The number is the LENGTH. I believe they have 1,2 and 3 with 1 being the shortest


I forgot to mention that. In fact you dont have to remove the dome, just bend the dome seal back and you can see it.


True. I just wanted to tell her where it’s located. Sounds like she was looking on the actual wire

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I have the M&RIE Receivers and the have bends that match both the left and right ear bends.

Thanks, folks, for your comments. I have the shortest wires, #1. So I’m thinking there’s not much to do to make them fit my face a little more. I believe I have previously asked the tech about it and this is it. It’s not that loose.

You can get a size 0 for ReSound (Jabra)


Thanks. I’ll look into it!

Thanks to you, and others who commented here!!
Since you told me there is a “0” length wire, I went to my Costco audi and got the 0 size installed! They fit my face so much better, and the seating of the dome is improved which helps overall.
Thanks, again!