Received N8 this week

I got my upgrade to the N8 bilaterally this week. So far I really like them, my in booth testing was 99% in quiet and 94% in noise. I’m psyched that’s my best scores yet.



What did you upgrade from?
What are the notable differences?

Your hearing scores are fantastic. Are they with both processors on for this testing?

I upgraded from N7s. I had a Cochlear rep I’m for the programming, they increased the bass it seemed better more clear. yes I was tested with both on.

They feel much lighter on my ears the N7s hurt my ears after a long day.
The batteries don’t last as long (they told me they wouldn’t).


Thanks for this information.

Are you up on the LE Audio Bluetooth? Your N8 processors are LE Audio compatible. If you use a newer LE Audio compatible android phone there are some nice features available with this new Bluetooth, like hands free phone calls. I am curious how your new processors deal with this.


I have iPhone. so no LE audio.

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