I have been using Starkey rechargeables for about 6 weeks. My audiologist says when I have them off, especially overnight, I should leave them charging or they will be losing charge as they don’t turn off. I would like to not have them charging all of the time, especially after they have charged. Is there any way to do this? I almost regret getting the rechargeables for this reason.
I was lucky in that my total cost was covered by a combo of my insurance plus Voc Rehab. I did have other hearing aides a few years back and they did not work well for me (don’t remember which type). I still could not hear the same sounds I struggled with. This audiologist also seems better at adjustments and after weeks of struggling, I think I finally got acclimated enough, combined with proper adjustments, to make a difference. Still testing that out as the adjustment is new. That said, I do want to make a good decision as I come to the end of my trial period. I know these are the most expensive model, and that seemed indicated given that I had already tried another type that did not work for me and that I use the hearing aides in many different types of settings, but am interested in what to consider in determining if these are a good match.
I’ve had ReSound Preza aids from Costco for over two years, and now wear Jabra aids from Costco. I put them in the charger when I take them off, and put them on the next morning. I’ve never had an issue.
ReSound rechargeable last up to 30 hours, and even streaming two to three hours a night I never drop below 60% charge on the aids.
I wouldn’t worry about it. Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
If you really wanted to, you could get a digital timer that turns off at night, and then turns on say three hours before you anticipate waking up. Then you would turn them off, put them in the charger (which would be off), and then it would turn on later.
However, from a theoretical perspective, lithium ion batteries don’t like to sit at a low charge point, and this would be keeping them at a low charge point for several more hours. I don’t know how this compares to the worry about keeping them at 100% charge for several hours. Maybe they stop at 97% and then trickle on and off like some smartphones do. I noticed iPhones started charging to 80% overnight, then completing the charge in anticipation of when your first use is. So there’s something to your worry, I’d say!
I have had Starkey Livio 2400 rechargeables since January 2020.
Today is the second time this year I have had to return them to my hearing aid place due to charging issues. In May of this year, both hearing aids began losing their charge in a few hours. I returned both aids and the charger and after waiting two weeks was given two new hearing aids and a new charger.
Two months later, my left aid will not hold a charge. It charges all night (blinks all night) and yesterday I only was able to use them for six hours.
I brought both aids, the charger and a detailed note of what I have been dealing with to my hearing aid place and was told by the receptionist that these rechargeables only last about a year, year and a half. What??? Wish I knew that before I bought them!
I have not seen anything on this forum about this issue so I was surprised by what I heard.
Starkey will introduce a new model next year. Not sure I will buy Starkey again when the warranty runs out, even though I hear pretty well with them, but if I do, it certainly won’t be the rechargeables!
Yeah that’s about right, these rechargeable batteries are a real pain, they make a lot of claims of upto 3 years of use, but in the real world experience a lot just don’t make it that far for whatever reason.
Actually there’s quite a few posts on this very topic, Oticon, Phonak are having these issues as well.
Yeah that’s the thing, rechargeable aren’t for everyone, your experience will put you off no doubt, others still swear by them.
I regret not questioning how the rechargeables are replaced when I purchased them.
My first aids were Siemens Pure 700’s which used either rechargeable or regular batteries and I just assumed Starkey aids were the same.
Starkey’s method of replacing their rechargeable batteries remind me of my MacBook Pro. Instead of me replacing the battery as I used to for my Dell laptop, the entire laptop has to be sent to Apple for replacement. A very expensive proposition when no longer under warranty protection.