Question on behalf of someone i know

Hi below is a copy of someone i know recent hearing test I’m trying to help them understand the type of loss they have and if it is mainly high pitch or a mix of high and low L pitch

Just wondering if anyone can help me with doing this for them. They are being fitted in a few weeks for hearing aids

Here is what I’ve understood:


@Baltazard i get the speech banana but what I’m not sure about is if it is a mix of high and low tone loss or not i know that the left ear is what i believe severe to profound hearing loss and the right is mild to moderately severe hearing loss but i;m not sure if can say to them it’s a high pitch and low pitch loss or just low pitchs

@LRav Not really sure, but hopefully :pray:t3: @Um_bongo can give you an answer.

Not a professional, but my opinion is that the right ear is pretty good and probably does not need any help at this time, but the left ear is struggling across the entire sound spectrum and could definitely use a hearing aid. That said, hopefully, a professional will weigh in.

@raylock1 thank you from what i know from them both ears have dropped by 15 db in the last few years they wore hearing aids in the past but never got on with them now they are willing to try again since their hearing has gotten much worse

@LRav Are they going private or through the NHS?

They are going through NHS as they are in a similar situation to me and can’t afford to spend thousands on hearing aids but they are going through a place like Specsavers called Scriven’s that also do private and NHS.

It’s pretty wide Asymmetry.

High pitch roll off in both ears, but due to the degree of difference the best ear is practically doing all the work at the moment.

It takes a bit of skill to fit these well as there’s several counterintuitive factors to consider: it’s not just a case of proportionately turning up the noise. Usually there’s a significant asymmetric dysfunction at the retro-cochlear level to consider as well: especially if there’s been a long period prior to diagnosis and treatment.

Adjusting to the aids could take anywhere up to 18months just to ‘pull back’ the poorer ear where the hearing system will have started towards atrophy.


@Um_bongo Thank you very much :+1:t3:

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