Question for TV connectors, Resound and Phonak

Hi! I have a question for TV connectors. Is it possible to use Phonak Naida Lumity L90 aids and GN Resound TV connector. I have used Resound TV streamer+ with my old Resound EnzoQ aids. Now I have Phonak Naida Lumity 90 UP aids. I have not yet tried use them with Reound TV Streamer. I am afraid that they may broke :thinking: Can you help me. Thanks.

Sorry, you’ll need a phonak tv connector if you want that functionality.



Ok, thx! I have just looked and Phonak Streamer is just I need.

I recommend purchasing from ebay. You’ll save a lot of money that way. Get a 2.0 version one (the buttons on top). There have been three versions mfg’d. 2.0 is the best.


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Here is one. Look for those buttons on top! Make an offer lower than the asking price ( “Will you accept $80?” ) and they will usually come back with a lower price than asking. Hope this helps.



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No, I don´t like ebay… used and so on… i bought just from finnish shop “Audienta” new about 200€.
I can sell my Resound Tv Streamer if someone will buy it.

That’s a whole lotta money. I bought a “refurbished” one from that ebay seller a couple years ago. Works perfectly. Couldn’t be happier. I think I did an offer for them as well. That seller has apparently sold 585 (as of this writing) and claims over 1000. They’re not some fly by night rip off artists. There are others that sell used ones as well.

This too, “May not ship to Finland”. Postage is also expensive.

That’s a different reason :slight_smile: which I understand, coming from a Canadian not in the US.