Question about low frequencies and tunnel-effect


I recently got into self-fitting of my aids because I didnt feel that my audiologist had enough expertise. I sometimes had to assist my audiologist in using Connexx during my sessions and realized I can probably do a better job myself and it surely is nice to be able to reconfigure your aids after a day of testing.

I have a pair or Signia Pure 7AX and have been running with an open dome for quite some time. I struggle everyday at my office to understand what is being said, some people naturally speak at a lower volume and I have a real hard time with some of them. So, I started playing around with using Tulip and also Vented domes to see if that would help with speech clarity.

When I program my aids for Tulip/Vented domes I notice instantly that it sounds like I am in a tunnel, everything echoes, not just my own voice but everyday sounds. Is this supposed to happen? I “fixed” this by turning down the low frequency gain on my left side where I do have some low frequency loss. Is it normal to have to do this or is there something else I could do to fix this problem without turning down the low frequency gain? I have tried different sizes of Tulips/Domes but that does not help.

Here is how they are configured right now, I am using axfit for fitting right now: