Quality of Music Streaming From Spotify or Sirius

My hearing loss is severe at high frequencies but good hearing at low frequency…steep ski slope… I have a Samsung S21 Ultra. I have Rexton hearing aids from Costco which are about 5 or 6 years old. I wanted to get history an details out for you.

I want to get some new HA that do all the new connectivity, phone bluetooth, TV streaming, and background noise cancelling and programming AND wanted to try the new Micro size . I went to local audiologist and they gave me Audibel AI 24 to test drive. They were OK and better than my old Rexton…but for $6500 I want to say — These are perfect…I love them…can’t live without them…— That was not the case. But they were the first ones I test drove and the only ones I have had in my ears in 6 years… Maybe I expected too much with the new technology. I took them back.

Ordering Jabra was easy so I took their test and ordered the Enhance 500 and the TV streamer to try out. I love the size and comfort of the piece behind the ear…it is so much smaller and hidden. The streaming works to my Samsung S21 Ultra and to the TV streamer pretty well. The sound is a little sharp and tinny but I hope they can adjust that in my first session…like when water runs or setting a glass on the table.

My question is this… when I stream music from the phone like with Sirius, it is not very good. I can hold my fingers over my ears and the quality is 10 times better. I tried different domes they sent and they make some difference…but not like me softly putting my finger over the canal. That does not make a difference much except when I stream music. Would it be positioning and my finger lightly touching my ear canal moves the speaker closer… or ɓlocking background better…or maybe needing power domes would help…any advice appreciated.

That’s because of venting.
It might be worth ordering custom earmolds with optimized venting.
Music will sound better with no venting at all, but you’ll get occlusion.

The hearing aids need to be programmed for each dome you try. You can’t just swop out and not get the hearing aids reprogrammed.