Purchasing older apple phone to pair with Jabra enhance pro 20

Okay, folks, an update and I thank you for all of your great recommendations and insights.

I abandoned my Pixal 6A, as the blue tooth was constantly disconnecting from the Jabra enhanced HA, and I had to have my phone in my hand to answer calls. So, I purchased an Apple 14, as recommended by many of you and hoped for the best.

With the exception of shrill inbound calls that were ear-bursting, I did not have disconnection issues, but I was unable to figure out why the incoming call on the calls was REALLY loud, when I could barely hear anyone when I would make an outbound call.

After 2 weeks of trying to make the IPhone transition, I surrendered and gave my phone to my husband, who had an old I-phone with battery issues. I went back to the Android and got a Samsung 24+, from AT&T (as a free upgrade and my husband’s old Iphone trade-in) I was also missing my saved passwords, and being an “old dog”, found the learning process from Android to iphone taxing and time consuming.
With the Samsung 24+, streaming and phone calls are working fine, but I am limited in terms of how far I need to be away from the phone. But, I don’t need to have it in my hand to answer it. So, it is a step up from the Pixal 6a

I am 3 months into my contract for the Jabra’s and will go back to Costco again to see if they can help clean-up issues I have understanding conversation in a group setting. Are my expectations unrealistic?

Recently, I attended a group of presentations made by high schoolers in a room the size of two classrooms. I sat in the second row, but could not understand what anyone was saying. Yes, they were soft-spoken and had no mic, but folks in the back heard well enough to ask questions.
Am I doomed? When initially fitted, I was told that the HA’s will only address 85% of my hearing loss. (Yes, I know they are aides) If anyone has thoughts about this, please advice. I feel like a miss out a lot in group settings, but would like to avoid a hearing aid costing $7k.

Also, as an FYI, At& T had very good pricing on older Iphone if any of you want to make the change from android.

My partner picked up the ReSound/Jabra Multi-Mic for these situations. It pairs to the EP 20s and has a range of up to 80 feet line of site. You can place it on a table in front of the speaker or ask them to clip it on. The sound goes directly to the HAs.

I have the same EP 20s myself and was testing it out a bit tonight (she has the S24U, I have the S23U). I was able to hear my daughter getting my grandson ready for bed with the doors to our rooms closed. It seems to work well. The sound was loud and clear.

Some people use it in front of their TV to hear better also.

It is helpful in loud restaurants as well though I have also had good success having the Hear in Noise program switched to Autoscope Adaptive Directionality in the fitting software. This gives me a Front Focus button on the app and in the Sound Enhancer you can adjust the width of the cone that it is sensitive to. Works well for me.

Thank you for this helpful suggestion.

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I think I have given up on Jabras. I had 4 programs downloaded and found myself jumping from on to another trying to get good conversational clarity in a group or while streaming. Went out in public I often have to have my My Husband repeat what is being said. In a recent post I was told that I might be a candidate for the phonak which might be preferred for somebody with moderate to severe hearing loss. The audiologist is Costco is very nice and tried readjusting the hearing aids again and gave me a power Dome. But told me my hearing will only be adjusted up to 80% of normal. Before my 180 days is up I’m going for an evaluation for phonak. I looked at the website and I find it confusing. There are many options what should I ask my audiologist for that evaluation? How complicated is it to integrate the hearing aids with a supplemental microphones