Okay, folks, an update and I thank you for all of your great recommendations and insights.
I abandoned my Pixal 6A, as the blue tooth was constantly disconnecting from the Jabra enhanced HA, and I had to have my phone in my hand to answer calls. So, I purchased an Apple 14, as recommended by many of you and hoped for the best.
With the exception of shrill inbound calls that were ear-bursting, I did not have disconnection issues, but I was unable to figure out why the incoming call on the calls was REALLY loud, when I could barely hear anyone when I would make an outbound call.
After 2 weeks of trying to make the IPhone transition, I surrendered and gave my phone to my husband, who had an old I-phone with battery issues. I went back to the Android and got a Samsung 24+, from AT&T (as a free upgrade and my husband’s old Iphone trade-in) I was also missing my saved passwords, and being an “old dog”, found the learning process from Android to iphone taxing and time consuming.
With the Samsung 24+, streaming and phone calls are working fine, but I am limited in terms of how far I need to be away from the phone. But, I don’t need to have it in my hand to answer it. So, it is a step up from the Pixal 6a
I am 3 months into my contract for the Jabra’s and will go back to Costco again to see if they can help clean-up issues I have understanding conversation in a group setting. Are my expectations unrealistic?
Recently, I attended a group of presentations made by high schoolers in a room the size of two classrooms. I sat in the second row, but could not understand what anyone was saying. Yes, they were soft-spoken and had no mic, but folks in the back heard well enough to ask questions.
Am I doomed? When initially fitted, I was told that the HA’s will only address 85% of my hearing loss. (Yes, I know they are aides) If anyone has thoughts about this, please advice. I feel like a miss out a lot in group settings, but would like to avoid a hearing aid costing $7k.
Also, as an FYI, At& T had very good pricing on older Iphone if any of you want to make the change from android.