Proper orientation of Signia Click Sleeve when inserting hearing aid

Hi guys, so I have finally understood why my left aid feels muted some days and other days it’s normal. It depends on how I insert them. I’m not sure what is the way that makes it feel normal. I think it’s when it’s not pushed in very much. I can feel the edges of the click sleeve protruding from the canal, is this normal?

Can someone help me understand HOW to actually put these things in?? My audi is not at all helpful.


How does this feel? Is it annoying? Is your sleeve too big?

In general, it should just be like below. Make sure the opening for the sound is not pressed against the ear canal. The opening should be pointing to your eardrum.

“Normal” is kind of in the eye/ear of the beholder. What you’re describing is certainly different than my experience. My “technique”: Click sleeves are oriented with their long axis up and down and with the little triangle facing towards the front. I place body of hearing aid on the top of my ear, place click sleeve in my ear, use my little finger to push it in as far as it goes and then confirm that concha lock (sport lock or whatever one wants to call it is in place (if not, move it there). Note: I think I remember with some domes that it was more comfortable if I then slightly backed it out by pulling ever so gently, but that’s not needed with my click sleeves.

It is important to ensure you have the right size click sleeves. It is quite OK to have a different size in each ear, so each one fits properly. They come in 4 sizes. See image below. They also should be fitted with a retainer plastic “antenna” like piece of a monofilament line. They can help keep the fittings inserted and aligned. This piece of plastic just snaps onto the receiver. Your fitter should have them, if you do not have them on the receivers now.