Programming software for KS9 HA

Hi everyone.
At the time that Costco KS9 HA’s were the current model, I purchased a pair and Costco programmed them for me. I wasn’t real happy about the frequency curves so I started a discovery of how I could adjust them for my liking. I found Noahlink BT unit, Phonak Target, and started the journey to taylor my HA’s just to my liking. I’ve been a very happy camper ever since, lost one HA at one point, dropped another in the toilet, but I was always able to find replacement KS9’s on Ebay and mirror the programming on my PC to pair my HA’s. Fast forward to 2023 when my PC had a crash and I lost my hard drive. I re-created my system as I didn’t have a good backup, but I really didn’t need Phonak Target because my HA’s were fine. Last week I was wanting to send audio in stereo from my Android phone and get that functionality back, but I needed to load software and drivers for the Noahlink USB unit, but the Noah4 software is nothing like I remember, and I can’t find where to read the HA’s, and work on the curves like I used to. I’ve tried installing the Audiogram module and the Noah 4 software, but it’s asking to import patient data, that’s not what it used to do. I got the driver for the USB interface loaded, but I can’t find in the software where to read from the HA’s. All I want to do is pair the two I have so that stereo sound and balance functions work from MyPhonak Android software. I got the right HA to receive BT, but these two HA’s don’t know each other.

For some help I would be grateful.


What version of target have you got, and you definitely don’t want or need Noah software, target is installed in “standalone mode” after making a client up as per usual you then just connect and load the settings ( last fitting stored in your HAs) from HAs, and you now have a backup, make another client and do the same and you can then start a DIY project, so uninstall all junk Noah software and start with a fresh install of target in “standalone mode” and you should be good to go.

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I will try that, thank you.