Programming cable for signia silk px

has anyone tried these cables to program their signia silk with a hipro box these are on ebay and have the 3 pin flex cable ? or are these no good at all ? Pardon our interruption...

No idea, why not ask the vendor selling them, I remember I sent a link for USA seller that had those CS53, I’ll see if I can find my old flex connectors I used on them and let you know.

yeh i think i looked at the vendor and he wanted $60 just for postage - thanks

Ok so here it is, the CS53 is what you need,

the CS53 flex connector needs a special cable to connect the flex connector.

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never came across that type on my searches will look into that too — thanks

Yeah it’s really old stuff now, had to search the bottom of the box to find it!

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as long as it works for you thats the main thing - well done

is siemens silk that old now ? ‘? :joy::joy:

2017/18, old enough I guess, my comment was I used mine from way back in 2013 on other models as well.

ha ha im 68 and just a beginner now :joy::joy:

A great retirement plan!

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