Problem with Iphone 11 and Phonak M70 SP

I have two Naida M70 aids (NHS UK issue) and they are brilliant, particularly for TV/PC with the Phonak connector. I’ve had them for just over a year.
Until recently I haven’t tried to use them consistently with my mobile although I do know they work as somehow I once ended up receiving a call (ages ago) which streamed directly to my HAs.
Recently I decided to try to set things up so I could use my phone in this way - i.e. direct to my HAs. I currently need to make more phone calls and this would be really useful. Sadly, I cannot get it to work.
My ultimate test was to make a call from my landline to my mobile and leave that next to Alexa playing a radio station (this gets round the problem where my wife gets bored and stops talking).
In the next room I then set about trying to hear the call through Bluetooth. I could certainly hear the radio through the phone speaker but no amount of fiddling about got the call into my HAs.
The Phonak blurb tells me that all I need to do is press the ‘multi function button’ to answer the call and that’s what I’ve been doing.
Can anyone suggest something I might try? The phone shows the HAs are paired to it and Bluetooth is switched on.

Phones often have limited bluetooth connections. try disconnecting other bluetooth connections and see if the aids will connect. the hearing app on the phone may assert itself as priority to establish the connection.

Hi Robert,
Thanks for the reply - sorry for the delay, I was working yesterday. Unfortunately these are the only Bluetooth connections the phone is using. The aids do show as paired, that is what is so frustrating.
I think in the end it will turn out to be some odd setting on the phone that is causing the problem.
I did see a message (that I can’t seem to get back) along the lines of ‘switch on signal or sound improvement’ on the phone. The message said something like if this is on something else will not work.
If all this makes sense maybe someone will know the setting on the iphone I am referring to! Then I’ll turn it off and see what happens.

You do have 3 connections on Bluetooth?

1 for phone calls and music etc.
2 for the App.

Paradise name is my NHS issue Phonak Naida P70 UP Aids.

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Hi Zebras,
Thanks for your reply.
No I don’t. The settings on my phone show Bluetooth on, My devices are LE_L and LE_R Phonak hearing aid. Both connected.
I am thinking that my HAs need setting up somehow?

Keep Bluetooth page open on phone and open and close battery door on right hearing aid.

Once hearing aid name pops up, click on it and it’ll connect.

Now the phone will know that connection and you’ll be able to listen to music and do phone calls.


Hi Zebras,
You are a star! I knew I’d get the answer on here.
It’s far from intuitive though, isn’t it?
Thanks again. Hope you’re well (we have talked before).

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Thank you so much.

All the best! Enjoy the phone calls and possibly music / You Tube etc.


I have the exact same problem with my father’s hearing aids, but the battery solution hasn’t fixed it for us.

I don’t suppose you have a second fix I could try?

in your case it could be that the hearing aid specialist programmed the left hearing aid as the master hearing aid for streaming.

Open Bluetooth page on phone and open and close battery door on right and left hearing aid.

toogle a search on the phones bluetooth page
Once the hearing aid name pops up, click on it and it’ll connect.

Now the phone will know that connection and you’ll be able to listen to music and do phone calls.

Good catch! Likely that is the issue.

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That worked!

Thanks so much.

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