The new setup is befuddling me. I cannot figure out how to send private messages to other members. What buttons do I push to get into that part of te site. Please help.
I tried that for one member I would like to contact - no luck. I’m thinking that the user must be registered on the new site. While composing this post I tried sending a message to AlanM who is obviously registered and it appears to work. I’ve asked @AlanM to respond here and by PM to see if that works.
I am also testing the @“username” to see if they get a notification of this post.
Your message received here and by email
Thanks, did you get anything for my using @AlanM ?
After I click on a users avatar I see their user page but I don’t see the blue Message box in the right corner. Any ideas why?
Thanks, yes I did read the content at the top including and page on how to PM but the button was just not there as in the picture you sent. It turns out that PMing is not available until you use the website for a while. It was turned on in my account just after I sent that last post (the last post ironically seemed to put me over the threshold needed).
Why is this so difficult
Are you remarking on how some people find it difficult?
Or are you finding it difficult?
hahahah no it’s legit difficult but i got it after a while