This will be a stand-alone “upgrade”…not buying new aids at this time. That might be a factor
and it’s the main reason I’m asking the question about cost. I purchased these as a package price…aids + service + insurance + blah blah…all at one not-so-low price. Now that I’ve had them a while the couple of times I’ve had to go in for service the prices seem to be very steep. I’m 100 % supporting of the idea of paying for her time and expertise…but my sensibility would rather pay a fair price all along rather than this pricing model…kind of makes it hard to swallow if she’s grossly overcharging
(For example, I had to replace my receivers out of warranty. She charged $150 per side… for parts I know I can get from ebay for about $21 and my kid could change them out!) I paid it anyway because I do value the work she has done and wanted to consider that other programming or work might have been needed at the same time (it wasn’t but I do value her checking everything so I’m ok with the idea of paying something more than $21/ea)… I’d like to get another few years out of these aids but not at that sort of x7 margin! If molds should be $100 each side but she’s charging x7 at $700…then I kind of want to know that going in to consider alternatives
I understand my last audiogram isn’t for sure pointing to shells of any kind, but she’s been hinting at closed for a while now. I did try closed domes once very briefly and hated it…so I’ve told her in the past that I would resist that at all costs…
I’m now considering shells for better performance and because of the itch I’m getting from the open domes… which I’ve recently realized might be because of the domes themselves. Until recently I’ve assumed the itch was just the nature of closing off the ears…moisture, or whatever.
I’ve been reading comments from several folks here blaming the itch on the elastomer domes and saying that it went away with molds.
Also, I have noticed that the quality of sound (mostly when streaming) is so much richer when I plug my fingers in closing off the receivers inside the canals.
And since I’ve been struggling more and more with speech and missing things in general, I’m starting to think that maybe I should explore getting everything out of these aids that they can give.
And I know little about it but yes I’m assuming that whatever I’d get would have a substantial vent