Power Receivers/Wax Guards— Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R

Wax guards don’t fit in the 2P power receivers
They don’t click in. They wobble and stick out. Result. I can’t hear.

Both 2P receivers were changed. I’ve had 4 so far in a short time.

Are the 2P power receivers the right ones for my Paradise P90’s?

I’ve made an appointment. However, I don’t have an answer.
My dispensing Audi got me Phonak Audeo Paradise P90Rs from workman’s compensation because I had almost been hit by loaders I couldn’t hear behind. That’s a miracle.

I changed to a hearing instrument specialist who set them up so I could hear That’s a miracle

The receiver/waxguard is a deal breaker. My 2P receivers are better BUT the wax guards don’t fit

I’ve had an answer from someone here who I respect a lot

I’ll talk to my Hearing Instrument Specialist early tomorrow

The new 5.0 receivers are being distributed in Canada.
I need them. DaveL

What was that answer? Technically there is no difference in the dimensions of the S,M or P RIC’s. The 4.0 RICs (3 pin) use cerushield (disk), The previous RICs (Pre Marvel, 2 pin) used the cerustop (sticks). The 5.0 RICs for Marvel/Paradise/lumity (3 pin) have been created to use the older cerustop sticks as many users have had difficulties with the cerushield device. The 5.0 are available in the EU and Canada, but not yet in the USA.

For what it’s worth I use 4.0 M & P RICs and have had no difficulty with the cerudisk.


Thanks for your response.

I’ve had two of the 2P receivers that the wax guards didn’t fit into.

I had to use a whole disk of wax guards two days ago. Symptom. The new wax guard doesn’t click and extends oot of the receiver. Put the dome on and I can’t hear. Take the dome off and the wax guard isn’t in straight. I get to dig it out with a sewing needle because the disk won’t connect in the garbage slot

I had two pair of Phonak before with the old wax guards and they worked well. Used hearing aids for 20+

My 2P receivers are 4.0. I need 5.0 receivers and the wax guards that work for me

I’m glad yours work for you. I truly appreciate your response and help.

Taking my Phonak Audeo Paradise P90Rs to my Hearing Instrument Specialist tomorrow, Wednesday

He’s sending them to Phonak to be checked out. The charger goes with them Here’s hoping the batteries are changed. They don’t work as well as they did when new

He told me he won’t have 5.0 Receivers until August.

And he’s setting up my lap devious set of HA. Phonak and Compilot 2. They were replaced because I was almost hit on construction sites 3 times. I couldn’t hear fast equipment overtaking me from behind.

edit: August==time flies! I’m excited that Phonak is going to check my hearing aids. I wish they could put the chip from the Lumity in. I understand they can’t do that. However, I bet there is magic coming! I have two more years with these hearing aids. I’ve had real improvements in performance since I left the dispensing audi. Credit Valley Audiology did work miracles getting me new hearing aids early, and getting top of the line P90R’s.

They are off to Phonak

Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s and charger. Issues?Batteries. Charger. Power Receivers

He set up my Phonak Balermo ? with Power receivers and closed domes. They are B70’s as supplied by workman’s compensation. I reckon they are 5 years old. ?

They actually sound better than my P90s.

About ‘21 They were setup by the Audi who provided my Paradice P90R

Today I asked the hearing instrument specialist to hook them up to Target and I got the Target Report showing the audiogram. Why? Because the dispensing Audi never set up my P90R so I could hear.

These old Phonak are working pretty well as a second pair!

Phonak B70-312 were set up just over 2 years ago as backup by Credit Valley Audioogy


             250.        35.              55

             500.        25.              45

             750.        25.              45

            1000.      25.              40

             1500.      30.              40.  

              2000.      35.              50

              3000.      45.              65

              4000       50.             60

               6000.      70.             60

               8000       85.             80


               250.         25.            50

               500.         25.            60

               750.         25.            60

              1000        30.            50

              1500.       40.            60

              2000.       45.            65

              3000.       50.            75

               4000.       55.            80 

               6000.       70.            85

               8000.       80.            95

Second column is current audiogram by Hearing Well Matters. Just over two years later

Hi Dave, an aside. I currently use Audeo P90s like you. I did trial the L90s a few weeks back and concluded there was only a small benefit. Actually my audiologist suspected that would be the case. Given that the aids are provided in our health care system at a heavily discounted rate every 31/2 years, we both concluded that I would be better off keeping the P90s and waiting the likely 6 months till the new Infio became available in the health basket. Perhaps relevant to yourself, and in keeping with the usal edict, wait 2 model generations to upgrade.

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Thanks for your note. I truly appreciate it.

My circumstances are different than others. I have qualified for assistance with workman’s compensation due to exposure to loud noise at work. 3M in Canada. Many years ago. I’ve had hearing aids for 20 years.

They are doing an excellent job of regulating costs. Award is for hearing aids every 5 years or so; maintenance. They tender the supply of hearing aids and regulate the work done by dispensers. They normally don’t supply top end hearing aids. and 5 years ago they only allowed hearing aids from 3 companies. Phonak was one.

My dispensing audi got the P90’s for me because I couldn’t hear behind me at work on construction sites, or even walking my dog on city streets. He couldn’t set them up; fired me suggesting I should find someone who could help me more than he could.

He provided them 3 years or so ago. Two more years to go for new hearing aids. I’m very lucky that I qualified.

My thought is that the Marvel/Paradise/and Lumity are similar. The new AI hearing aids are advertised differently. Maybe they’re different.

Hearing aid professionals make money selling these hearing aids. Price is lower, or so I believe. Guvmint is reducing costs. And as a tax payer, so they should.

My first set of Phonaks were 8 years old when I got new ones.
My second set of Phonaks never worked. I left after 2 years of trials and tribulations.
My third set of Phonaks were never set up right either. I left about 1-1/2 years after getting them. Described above. It’s taken more than a year to get them setup better.

I’ve been told twice today that I couldn’t hear what was being said.

Thanks for sharing that. I’ve been self programming since around 2018 first with audeo B90s after first fir by an Audiologist, and then P90s 3 years ago, all sourced from the US Ebay. My first B90s were advertised as V90, but turned out to be the B90s much to our surprise. Beginners luck!

Anyway, I understand that you are using the Audeo versions (RIC) rather than the Bolero version (slim tubes). In discussions with my audiologist she has commented that there is still a case for using the Bolero variant in some case especially when the loss is high as is the case with you at high frequencies. Or the use of custom molds. Clearly well outside my competence with my client list of 1! Something worth raising for your next aid.

Widh you best

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I had quite a shock a few months ago. I’ve worked with my wonderful hearing instrument specialist for about a year and a half ago. He took me on as a client after my dispensing audi quit/fired me.

The usual avenue for them to make money is to sell new hearing aids. He couldn’t; because of my workman’s compensation claim.

What happened was there was a 10 to 20 dB change in my hearing. Worse of course. My Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s were supplied according to my tested hearing loss. Why the difference? I have a heart condition; lots of medicine. Is that the reason? Darned if I know. All I know for sure is that my hearing is much worse. He has confirmed it twice. My dispensing audi had reported that my hearing had improved! That would have been magic.

I will be able to get new hearing aids in two years or so. However, I won’t be able to get the top end hearing aids that I have now.

I hope to get the new Phonak 5.0 power receivers before the weekend. I am looking forward to better wax guards and domes. I hate the little round frisby wax guards. I change them about twice a week, and every time I have trouble hearing. It’s a real pain.


Such a difficult situation for you hope reverting to the “old” style wax guards helps.

Again, in passing, has your audiologist done a “real ear” test to see what your current loss is? That or a formal audiogram? I assume yes otherwise how would your audio know if that 20 db drop. I’m assuming you are also seeing an ENT specialist who has excluded other causes of hearing loss, or perhaps not given the state of the public health services.

Hope it goes well, Norman

My dispensing Audi always used REM. EXCEPT. last appointment he asked for my hearing aids. While he talked to me he did a quick fit without REM.
Focusing on the positive, I’m very grateful he supplied new hearing aids that were the best model of Phonak Paradise line

I’ve been very happy with the work done by my new hearing instrument specialist. I have a workman’s compensation claim.

He hasn’t used REM. However, he has corrected issues I’ve had. My hearing is much worse.
He detected that. I appreciate his skill.
No I haven’t seen an ENT Doctor in a long time.
