Thanks for your note. I truly appreciate it.
My circumstances are different than others. I have qualified for assistance with workman’s compensation due to exposure to loud noise at work. 3M in Canada. Many years ago. I’ve had hearing aids for 20 years.
They are doing an excellent job of regulating costs. Award is for hearing aids every 5 years or so; maintenance. They tender the supply of hearing aids and regulate the work done by dispensers. They normally don’t supply top end hearing aids. and 5 years ago they only allowed hearing aids from 3 companies. Phonak was one.
My dispensing audi got the P90’s for me because I couldn’t hear behind me at work on construction sites, or even walking my dog on city streets. He couldn’t set them up; fired me suggesting I should find someone who could help me more than he could.
He provided them 3 years or so ago. Two more years to go for new hearing aids. I’m very lucky that I qualified.
My thought is that the Marvel/Paradise/and Lumity are similar. The new AI hearing aids are advertised differently. Maybe they’re different.
Hearing aid professionals make money selling these hearing aids. Price is lower, or so I believe. Guvmint is reducing costs. And as a tax payer, so they should.
My first set of Phonaks were 8 years old when I got new ones.
My second set of Phonaks never worked. I left after 2 years of trials and tribulations.
My third set of Phonaks were never set up right either. I left about 1-1/2 years after getting them. Described above. It’s taken more than a year to get them setup better.
I’ve been told twice today that I couldn’t hear what was being said.