Photos of Starkey Genesis IIC vs RIC while worn?

Are there photos available anywhere comparing the Starkey Genesis IIC vs RIC while someone is wearing them?

I am particularly curious how obvious the bluetooth antenna is on the IIC model.

Also is there a source which states the battery life on the IIC?

Also - Starkey’s website shows the IIC with a bluetooth antenna but some sources I say indicate that the IIC does not have the same bluetooth streaming capabilities of the RIC model. Does anyone know what features differ between the ICC vs. RIC for Starkey AI Genesis?

Sorry, I don’t have any pictures, but I almost bought the Starkey CIC last year, and eventually did not because of the bluetooth antenna - but it was the evolve I was looking at, not the Genesis. I was told that the IIC does not have any bluetooth capability, and I wanted to be able to change the volume / program etc. without an intermediate device (like I had for my previous Starkey’s) so I was looking at the CIC. I was concerned about the look of the antenna, so took some time to think about it. While I was considering my options, my audi received a pair for another client and they were so upset by the antenna that they didn’t even try them on, so she knew I wouldn’t want them (although I never did see them in person). She felt that RIC would most likely be less noticable, and convinced me to try Oticon Moore which were such an improvement over my old ITC starkeys that I didn’t try anything else. However, I am a female with long-ish hair, so the aids themselves are not visible under my hair.

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Thank you - that is helpful.

I thought I saw a Youtube which indeed said there is no bluetooth with the Genesis IIC. But their website suggests it does exist. Can anyone verify this?