Phoneme Perception Test by Phonak

Does anyone here have any experience with this test and would it be useful for fine tuning my high frequency hearing?

I think you may have come upon some old technology. The user guide is dated 2013 and minimum requirements are Windows XP.

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My take is that it’s a test that might be useful that nobody uses. I’m not sure it would accomplish more than fine tuning frequency lowering to optimize the “s” sound. (Make sure the “s” is audible, but doesn’t sound like “sh.”)

I tried this test with my Oticon Xceed. The “S” sound in this test have too high frequency, so I cannot hear it with any settings of SpeechRescue.

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I’ve not heard of this and it fits one of my main issues, which is speech in noise. However, after a scan read, it appears Phonak prioritise speech over absolutely everything. Very high in their remit is frequency (pitch) shifting. To me, it’s a cop-out as it’s an easy way to avoid feedback, but for me it’s not good at all. Music, and natural sounds are important to me. For profound losses, it may be the only way, but for severe, it shouldn’t be needed.


For those who are practically deaf in the upper frequencies, frequency lowering can be a blessing. Using the S and SH sound can help fine tune this technology.

I know for me there was a time that this frequency lowering brought music back to me for a few years after losing it for about 15 years.

We each have our own hearing loss. Yours is very different than the OP’s.


I am deaf in all high frequencies, and SpeechRescue at higher available frequency setting in my Xceed shifts S sound to SH sound place. So I decided to turn SpeechRescue off. No S sound, no problems))

@Raudrive I get that, totally


Yes, I have experience with this test and it can be useful for fine tuning high frequency hearing. The test will help identify areas with the greatest high-frequency hearing loss, allowing your hearing device to be adjusted to compensate for the loss. As a result, you will be able to get a clearer and higher-quality perception of sounds in high frequencies.