Phone support for Jaba Enhanc plus

I know Motorola upgraded from 4.2 to 5.0 in their Moto X4, but I presume the Snapdragon 630 chipset they used had the capability all along and they just hadn’t taken advantage of it.

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Me neither. You can enable LE Audio in developer options apparently, but I haven’t seen any reports that anyone has used it successfully. Wasn’t Bluetooth SIG expecting a slew of compatible products in the “holiday season”?

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I was going to respond that they didn’t mention which decade, but that sounds familiar. Didn’t we have a similar conversation last year? :wink:

And the year before that. As you said earlier, we thought Bluetooth 5 was the dawn of the new era. That was in 2016. :sob:

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CEO of some company says this will be out by 2022.
PM asks the R&D folks. is this doable by December 2022 and starts criticizing the CEO for not consulting with R&D folks,.

is probably how it went down.