greetings reading through some of these threads I realize it might be helpful if I knew exactly the results of my hearing tests. But I can say that that my results for the word recognition test using the CID (in a male’s voice since I have more loss in higher frequencies) were 36% correct at 110dB in my right ear and 0% correct at 115dB in my left ear, basically unresponsive. i have otosclerosis and cochlear otosclerosis so I have conductive hearing loss and nerve damage. my hearing loss is…quite profound.
Anyway I was recommended Phonak’s, not sure the model, but i also have a Costco membership and I was wondering if the Bernafon brands would be powerful enough. i asked the lady there today, who is not the actual audiologist just a hearing aid specialist, if they would work as well for me as the Phonaks. All she really told me is that they have brands for much cheaper. Well I KNOW that, but would they work as well for me?
Also i am a massage therapist so most of the time I am not in a noisey environment but when the client is face down on the table it’s impossible to understand them and communication between us is really important.