It’s not necessarily the make here that’s the issue. It’s the specific model, or configuration (form factor) of the hearing aid that is the issue. I think you could stick with the Phonak Virto - but get the mini canal or ITC version - which has 2 microphones. I am unsure why you have been sold the Virto B as the Virto M (Marvel) is the later model - as tenkan has said.
Your preference might be influenced by vanity. If you want absolute discretion then the CIC is the best option - but you are sacrificing performance i.e. the ability to hear in noise and there is no bluetooth capability. If you are not that fussed then the MC - Mini Canal is slightly more noticeable, the ITC more so.
If you have long or thick hair - a RIC hearing aid is practically invisible. I am balding and wear a RIC and it really is hardly noticeable anyway. If you were to go for a RIC you will get the very latest technology i.e. the Phonak Paradise. This is because the custom chip i.e. Virto M is 1 to 2 years behind the RIC model.
Oticon, Resound, Unitron, Widex, Phillips, Signia, Starkey all have custom and RIC equivalents. The one I believe you could consider as an alternative to Phonak - if you were to switch brand outright is the Oticon with their Oticon Opn S custom (ITC) or Oticon More (RIC) hearing aids. Some people love the Oticon OPN philosophy and get on really well with them.
I would ask about cros hearing aids - where you wear 2 hearing aids and sound gets transmitted to your good ear.
Wrong. They are the same. The only different between Virto B Titanium and M titanium is the new Marvel precalculation via their proprietary Adaptive Phonak digital formula (not a big difference).
Please don’t blame Phonak if outcomes are underwhelming. A CIC for a severe loss is not generally the most appropriate device, and generally speaking, the fitter has more influence over the results based on how they’ve set the device for you.
Check to see if they’ve set the Virto to a particular real ear measurement target or not, and if the CIC style provides you with appropriate volume across the speech frequency range, or whether you’re compromising amplification for a discrete size.
Thanks for your input @bigaltavista, it’s really appreciated.
My audiologist suggested the Virto B Titanium because I had said that I’d like something discreet if possible, this being my first hearing aid.
I did some research and Phonak’s own website describes the aid as being suitable for ‘mild to severe’ hearing loss, and on that basis it felt like a good solution.
Would you disagree with their assessment of the suitability of this hearing aid for someone with a severe loss then?
I didn’t say you can’t use a CIC with severe loss, I just said it’s generally not the most appropriate device and not the conventional recommendation for this severity of loss.
If you asked 10 Audi’s what the best style of hearing aid is for severe hearing loss, most would RITE or BTE.
With cics what you gain in discretion you compromise on technical performance, reliability and connectivity.
Also virto b titanium is the older model, you have vitro m titanium.
I’m in a similar situation, moderate hearing loss in left ear, right ear still good hearing. I recently first tried out the Oticon OPN1 IIC’s - didn’t like them at all, so I exchanged them for the Phonak Virto M90-10 IIC’s, but in both ears and with acrylic shells. My audi wanted to be able to shape them if need be. I’ve had them 3 weeks now and really like them. They are helping me in crowded situations. They’re programmed to be able to allow me increase volume by hitting the button(s), and they’re programmed to allow me force them into a “crowd mode”, which reduces background sounds around me and instead focuses on people’s voices near me. This has been working out great! I’m still in trial phase, but am very pleased with them.
@sunpadre that’s really good to hear, would you mind posting a picture of your hearing aids so that I can see which model you have please? I’m new to this and I’m getting confused with the different models! Thanks so much
With respect, @bigaltavista I didn’t ask you if you can use a CIC with a severe hearing loss, I asked you if you agreed or disagreed with Phonak’s marketing of the aid as one that is suitable for ‘mild to severe’ loss?
Not quite,they are a bit different, Marvel sword chip/processor are different from the older Palio 3 chip in Belong, But… Regardless didn’t the OP also say he has the size 10 battery
So no wireless? That’s a let down.
I did mention right at the beginning of this post, that a pair of RIC is the way to go, there’s a few posts on this very topic ( one in particular that went into great detail @Blacky ) that is even if you don’t need 2 , it’s still better for some to have this set up, the hearing aids work together, as in binaural, you get all the benefits of the technology been offered.
Totally agree with this, Marvel (RIC,BTE) platform are pretty good HAs, you only need to read the posts from here to see that the sun actually shines off them!
We’ll I’ll take some flank and disagree with it, the severe part, they are most certainly suitable for mild to moderate. Just because your loss fits within Phonaks limit doesn’t mean this is the perfect model/type for you.
Are you willing to give RIC a go, ask your audiologist for a trial, if they don’t work out, you can always try other brands and models, I wouldn’t buy anything that “doesn’t work” for myself.
You have been given a lot good information from a few members, re-read everything and approach your audiologist, you’ll be armed with a lot more information then when you first walked in the door.
Remember “knowledge is power”
It is possible to achieve the amount of amplification required for a severe hearing loss with a virto m titanium, and thus yes they are technically capable of being a hearing instrument for severe losses.
Like all manufacturers Phonak realises that there are patients like you who prioritize discretion, and have made it possible to configure a virto m titanium product with a SP receiver, however if you look at Phonaks “severe to profound” hearing loss category, it’s most decorated devices have always been their Naida BTE hearing aids.
No sorry, you’re wrong as well.
The SWORD chip is not used in their Virto M Titanium device (or Virto M 10 NW O) only the Virto M 312 uses the Sword chip
In fact the processor used in all of their non wireless 10 devices is actually a different chip when compared to other products on the same platform, even in the custom Virto product group. This has been the case since the Belong platform.
Thank you again and also @bigaltavista & @Zebras - my first post mentioned that this is my first hearing aid and I’m slowly realising how little I actually know. I’m even struggling to identify the HA I’m wearing correctly!
I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday and so I can go with some questions to ask, I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions and I am beginning to wonder if, in simple terms, my current HA is powerful enough in noisy environments to help me. As an example I went to the pub last night to watch the England game and really struggled to hear friends sitting on my table with the noise in the bar and from the television.
My thoughts now are whether I need to consider a BTE aid or maybe something like the Virto Marvel M-312, slightly bigger/visible than what I have at present but I believe is more powerful and has two microphones?