Interesting article from Phonak blog, somewhat like “Coffee Connoisseurs”, who have “A Coffee Flavour Wheel”, Phonak Sound Engineers have a “Sound Wheel”… Cheers Kev
How do I access it if I don’t have a Phonak login?
This is not only an intrguing and useful article, but it totally helps both the audiologist AND the person being fitted for aids!!! I am going to forward this link on to my two fave audis, and thank you SO much for posting this!
How is it useful to folks like ME going in to see their audi? We can use that sound wheel to better articulate WHAT the issue is with how our aids are performing. REMs and audiograms are just two tools to setting up a pair of aids. What really matters is how the person wearing them perceives their world through the new and improved sounds.
For me, there has never ever been a time when I’ve picked up aids programmed for me and not had about 3-4 follow-ons to get the sound quality JUST RIGHT. I’m pretty good at articulating what I want changed (i.e., too thin, too crackly, too sharp), but using this wheel, I could even prompt my audi to look at the gain or other aspect on that wheel and get to the final perfect setting even faster.
Very interesting to know about the Sound Wheel! I am also a coffee afficionado, and totally relate to that Coffee Wheel analogy, you betcha!
While you can read the articles, I was prompted to fill out a form with my company name and title to get at that Sound Wheel chart. Bummer. I’m retired, no job, no title, no company. But dang I’d like a copy of the Sound Wheel to keep in my files and bring to fittings.
Can anyone here get that pdf for us to download and print out?
Here it is:
How Phonak Engineers are ‘Sound Connoisseurs’ _ Audiology Blog.pdf (2.3 MB)
Vheel of fortune, mi friend Ranjit vould say